QUESTION: I've been noticing
quite a "blip on the screen" energetically on the planet.
More people seem to be experiencing traumatic episodes of varying
sorts, and I'm wondering if you would comment on the energetics
at this time as we approach the Winter Solstice.
MELORA: Yes, and there
are many kinds of energies going on--within and without your
body. What people are forgetting is that your very cellular level
is in the process of transformation. And so the energies, as
they're changing within you on the cellular level, as the influx
of light continues to accelerate on the planet, include the internal
changes going on.
The "blips on the screen," as it were, are the external
effects of much light flooding onto the planet, and this has
been forecast in many indigenous histories--in India, as well,
and other ancient civilizations. All know that this is the coming
Age of Light. To the Hindus it is the end of Kali Yuga; this
is the arrival of The Age of Aquarius; this is the end of the
ancient Mayan calendar coming up in 2012, and all of these aspects
that you were told about at Harmonic Convergence in The Mayan
Factor by José Argüelles.
MELORA: The question is
rather broad, and we request that you narrow it down a bit. Are
you feeling physical effects? Are you having aches and pains?
Are you restless?
QUESTION: It's not so much
that. I'm going through some personal severities, and many people
around me are noticing sort of "spear out of the darkness,
into the heart" sort of incidents. But my perception of
what seems to be happening is that this Winter Solstice feels
to be a major turning point planetarily. Perhaps that's not the
right point of that happening; perhaps that's more toward the
spring as Saturn moves into Aries . . . that that may bring a
whole new energy in. But it feels to me that the systems of the
society that we live in are very close to becoming unplugged,
that coming is an ending of the old ways, followed by perhaps
a lot of chaos and confusion before the New Age.
MELORA: And this is not
a narrower question, but we will attempt to answer it. [laughter]
Astrology is not our forté. Understand that we
are speaking from 6th Dimension, and our forté
is morphogenic structures of energy and sacred geometry as we
perceive it--not as you have it in books. We perceive it energetically--not
in material reality and not in three-dimensional drawings but
in the way energy may be morphogenically shaped to come into
actuality as material "objects" in three-dimensional
Regarding the books you may have been reading
in the past few years, understand that only the very recent books
can really help you discover what is going on now. The old scenarious
of Ascension have changed. The Ascension scenario changes
moment-by-moment. So let us speak of where we are now in
this process.
And this, no doubt, is the time to bring up the
subject of The Photon Band. As you need to understand, it's not
as though all of a sudden the Photon Band is here when it wasn't
before. There is a spiral shape as described in The Pleiadian
Agenda book [by Barbara Hand Clow], and so the outer planets
are already in the Photon Band, and as you are affected by all
the planets in your Solar System, of course when they move into
the Photon Band and then out again, and so forth, they will be
broadcasting to you the effects of the photon energy upon them.
And so really what we're talking about as
the sort of "final door closing," if you will, is when
your star, the Sun, is totally immersed in the Photon Band. And
then your entire solar system will be immersed in it and not
just be passing in and out of the outer fringes of the spiral.
And so this is largely responsible for a lot of the external
energies that you're experiencing. Many people have described
it as feeling as though their brain is growing and their skulls
are expanding. Jyoti, for example, has a lot of problems in the
jaws, around here in the temporal lobes, and in the neck.
And so in endeavoring to answer your question
about the effects of the energies, also you have a compounding
by the very energies that exist in the Boulder area. You have
the Flatirons, and they're like the back of an ampitheater or,
if you will, a sort of flat satellite dish. And so they are very
resonant to the energies that are being broadcast, and they,
in turn, resonate back to you. And so, as you all most certainly
realize consciously, your coming to Boulder is no accident, and
there are many other communities that are sacred, where these
energies may be felt on the spiritual and high-consciousness
levels. And this is what we wish to say about your question at
this point.
QUESTION: When you were talking
about aches and pains you mentioned the head area. Have people
been noting differences in other parts of the body too?
MELORA: Yes: skeletal structure,
any bone, is incredibly resonant, and so people are feeling much
more stress in their joints, in the bones, in the vertebrae,
the wrists, the fingers, the feet. And so, knowing how resonant
the bones in the skeletal structure are, imagine that that is
happening to you somewhere else in your body. And of course chronically
weak areas of the body, from your health history, are going to
be areas of more sensitivity at this time.
QUESTION: Will we notice
the effects of this a lot?
MELORA: We avoid making
the Doomsday prophecies. The people with whom we are fortunate
to work are of a consciousness in which you understand that excitement
is the appropriate way to approach this. And you have been working
on your light bodies, and your consciousness has been raised.
You understand about Ascension; you understand about the coming
of The Age of Aquarius, and numerology and astrology . . . and
all of the things that you're able to pinpoint better on paper,
and to figure this out in three-dimensional reality. And those
are all in support of the same processes.
QUESTION: I've been curious
about the Null Zone in the Photon Belt--also that there will
be ETs visiting us prior to that time. Is that true?
MELORA: It is difficult
for us to determine which one of the many notions of ETs you
may be speaking of. [laughter] We like the term Ultra-terrestrials--for
angelic beings, for Ascended Masters, Intergalactic beings, and
so forth. And so let us not have ET be the subsuming category
for all of these beings. ETs, as we understand it, have historically
been interpreted as three-dimensional visitors, and so we wish
to make a distinction here. And so, in that sense, no, that will
not happen. There will not suddenly be masses of extraterrestrials
in three-dimensional form, landing in their ships to scare you
to death.
But there will be visitations from ultra-terrestrials.
And the interpretation of whether it's an angel or intergalactic
being will be according to your belief structures. And so those
who are not of a consciousness (or belief structure) that says
it's okay to be seeing beings from the outer galaxies will not
see them as such. They will see angels with wings, and so on.
And so your imaginations will provide the form for them as it
is acceptable to you.
QUESTION: And what about
the forecast of the three days of darkness when we enter the
Null Zone?
MELORA: This is when the
Sun will become fully immersed in the Photon Band. We discussed
this last time, and we wish to move beyond the forecast, for
example, of the electricity becoming neutralized and batteries,
and cars, and electrical devices no longer working. Although
this may be true, understand that you are in a state of transformation.
At the point at which . . . first there are the days of darkness--
absolute, total darkness--and people are saying, "Well,
I'd better lay in some supplies, and water, and get a kerosene
heater, and so on. But, you see, given your transformation, you
will not need these things. And so we wish to emphasize that
focusing your consciousness on your transformation, your transmutation,
in the light is the most important.
Now the scenario, as you may have been reading
in recent books, has changed. And we wish to focus now on the
various agendas of the various beings who are "spectators
in the stands" in this "football game." Our strongest
message is this: Aim as high as you can in your consciousness.
Fifth-dimensional Pleiadians are going to want to use you as
"human libraries" so that they can learn from you about
dimensions above themselves through you in your connection to
the Earth. Fifth-dimensional Sirians are going to wish to help
you understand how three-dimensional reality manifests from ideal
morphogenic structures so that you can begin now actively to
co-create the peace and harmony forecast for your planet. And
so, again, they are invested in your becoming fifth-dimensional
humans so that they can partake of your experience, but in a
different way than that of the Pleiadians. Sixth-dimensional
Sirians, of which we are "one," as a group, wish to
have you understand that many of you will be returning to dimensions
higher than Fifth.
And so in the Barbara Marciniak books, for example,
her Pleiadians are saying "Oh, this is what it will be like
when you're a Fifth-dimensional human." We are saying that
you don't have to "stay" there. Understand that many
of you are returning to angelic light resonances, and so forth.
And so when you read this material, understand that these are
Fifth-dimensional beings talking about their agenda, and that
happens to be Pleiadian. And these are also Fifth-dimensional,
but they're Sirian, and that's a different agenda. And be discerning
when you read these materials.
This also applies to information about the Photon
Band. The source of the information, and it is channeled . .
. (Channeling is one of the few sources that is not controlled
by "World Management" Teams, and what not.) Channeling
often is the most direct source of the truth now--not trance
channeling as in the old days. Channeling now is conscious, although
the channel is in an altered state, connecting directly with
the Higher Self as we are here, and we tell the truth because
this [indicating Jyoti Alla-An] is one of our children, here,
and we would not decieve our children--not anyone.
So the scenarios about the Photon Band and about
Ascension will be filtered according to the agendas of the beings
communicating through the channel. So if a channel is not coming
directly from the Higher Self connection and is channeling a
totally other entity who is a Fifth-dimensional Pleiadian and
NOT in that soul "hierarchy," then that entity essentially
can work its agenda through the channeled information. Each of
you is sovereign; you must discern, because your free will is
what keeps you strong in your acceleration. Your free will is
also what you must always be conscious of so that you are not
violated from outside your self.
QUESTION: Do you mean to
imply that trance channeling is not as reliable as conscious
MELORA: Our perception
is that trance channeling is necessary only in two cases: The
first is when the vibrational rate is not high enough to support
it, which all channeling was, basically, until about the last
ten years or so, except for such gifted channels as Jane Roberts
working with Seth. When the vibrational rate is not high enough,
an entity has completely to take over the body. And, secondly,
trance channeling occurs in the process in which an entity that
is not part of what our Jyoti calls "the vertical soul hierarchy"
as we are (her Higher Self, for example)--not of your "kin"
spiritually--so an entity that is not "related" to
you, if you will, spiritually.
QUESTION: About being used
by the Pleiadians as a human library: Reading this had a distinct
impact on me, but I'm uncertain how to treat this information,
although I am inclined to move on from being used merely as a
reference source for those who wish to experience through us.
MELORA: Yes, and we are
sensing your question. The book referred to is Bringers of
the Dawn, or perhaps its sequel,by Barbara Marciniak. Understand
a parallel between your DNA and computers that you may never
have dreamed of yet (because your DNA is far superior to any
computer existing now) . . . understand that beyond three-dimensional
reality everything is energy (you interpret some wavelengths
of energy as color, or light; you interpret other wavelengths
of energy as sound, and so forth).
It's very difficult for you to understand
that beyond your world, here, everything is read, assessed and
created out of energy. Energy is the medium of the canvas on
which material reality is painted. And so having the Pleiadians
want to use you as human libraries sounds sort of sinister, but
understand that the relationship between the dimensions is all
about the expansion of consciousness. Understand, also, that
you are related to First Dimension (Gaia, the core of the Earth),
Second Dimension (the minerals and elemental spirits and consciousness,
and some animals). The best way to describe this would be that
"vertical" path, and it's all connected; it's not separate.
It's not, really, from our perspective, One-Two-Three-Four-Five-Six-Seven-Eight-Nine.
And so it is the nature of all beings, all consciousness, to
expand, to learn and to grow.
Now, there is a "problem" with those
who violate free will and sort of "trick" you into
doing things that are not according to your plan. And this is
interpreted as being "of the dark." But if you understand
that you do not judge an animal for following its basic nature
. . . a predator such as a cat, for example: You may think that
it's horrible that it kills a bird, but this is its nature. It
is the same with beings from different "places," from
different star systems, and so on. And the basic impulse is to
learn to grow in consciousness. And this is the dualistic consciousness
that many here have NOT enjoyed (we were going to say have enjoyed),
have not enjoyed for milennium after milennium.
Another insight that we wish to share, that our
Jyoti got, which we are very excited about, is . . . She scratched
her head one morning recently and said, "Well, if Melora
is channeling through me, then Melora must also be channeling
through my other incarnational selves as well, because her question
was: "How is it that when I ask a questiona and Melora says,
'We are receiving...'--where is Melora receiving this from?"
Our Jyoti always thought, Oh, it's from the other person's
guides, or it's from Melora's reading their energy.
And these are partially true; but she got it in her consciousness
that we must also be channeling through her other incarnational,
multidimensional selves, and this is true. And that includes
those in the future. Are you starting to see the links now?
All right. And so the main point we are finally
making here is that when you, in your consciousness, have one
of those Eureka! feelings and revelations, it enables
a Higher Self of yours to access even higher. And your assumption
is that only--for example, where we are, only we could access
what is "higher" to ourselves, each one of us "higher"
in the next dimension. Something like that. Correct? Not so.
Because of what we learn in our consciousness
through our Jyoti, for example, and through you as you work with
us through our Jyoti, we have access to information that we wouldn't
have had before. And so, back to your question about the Fifth-dimensional
Pleiadians using you as human libraries: It happens only if you
say "Yes." In other words, these are their wishes;
you don't have to comply.
QUESTION: From your perspective
this wouldn't be a violation of free will or a kind of bad thing
for them to want to use us?
MELORA: No. Not in itself.
QUESTION: But only with your
conscious consent.
MELORA: Yes. That's correct.
When they get too zealous about it, and they bypass your free
will, then that's a no-no. And so be conscious, because, you
see, you learn through animals, particularly your companion animals.
You are, in a way, learning something about yourselves through
your contact with them the way the Pleiadians are learning about
themselves through their contact with you, although we do not
make any inferiority/superiority implications here.
QUESTION: What would be the
advantage to our allowing ourselves to be accessed?
MELORA: If you do this
in consciousness, then it is serving.
QUESTION: How does it serve
MELORA: It serves them.
QUESTION: If it's a mutually
beneficial relationship, then there's usually an energy exchange.
MELORA: Traditionally,
what the Pleiadians do, as an example, is offer you tips on manifesting
and this sort of thing; they trade knowledge with you for your
serving them in this way. And so if you get too carried away
with this you lose that integrated spiritual development and
you go for the power and the manifesting. And so the "danger"
is not caused by them; it's that you lost control, you
see? They are very fun beings, and they're very free with the
knowledge that they trade you for the information that you give
them. As long as you keep that in perspective, the balance is
We wish also to comment on (and, again, this
has to do with agendas) that the Pleiadians wish to interpret
the alliance that we enjoy with them as our joining them. Now
after many of their "mistakes" on the Earth, most notably
beginning at the times of Atlantis (we shall call it interference,
in the kindest way), their perception is that we have allied
with them. Our perception is that they have allied with us. And
it really doesn't make any difference. We wish to take no credit
for the expansion of consciousness that you are enjoying. Although
in some recent books it has been stated that we have sort of
bailed the Earth out, our perception is that we have taken constructive
action, at the Galactic Federation level, to avert the cataclysms
that you were headed toward. And part of the way of averting
this is to telescope time. So, even according to the Mayan calendar,
for example, this 2012 business should not be taken literally
. . . there are some distortions in time going on. And the acceleration
of time and consciousness is how you experience this.
QUESTION: You have commented
on the importance of the Earth as a great step in the evolution
of all creation.
MELORA: Yes, and materials
that talk about Earth as an "experimental" planet .
. . one of the basic ingredients here is the pervasiveness of
free will: You are free to make as many "mistakes"
as you wish [laughter] and to come back as many times as are
necessary for you to discover the issues that are at the core
of your soul that you wish to express and examine.
And so those of you on the Earth are not just Pleiadian libraries.
There is a great interest, as you know--and have been reading
about--from everywhere in the galaxy and outside the Milky Way
Galaxy, in what is going to happen here. Again we emphasize that
you are not separate; there is a gigantic webwork, energetically,
that connects you through all levels, even to the God Source.
And so, as with a spider's web, if you touch one part of the
web the whole web resonates. And, also, you have future expressions
of yourself that will be affected by the decisions that you make
between now and December 21, 2012. So one of the valuable things
we can tell you is that you manifest from the future. That is
the most efficient way to do it. You project into the future
(when you do have what it is that you want) and then it materializes
in form.
You understand that reincarnation is simultaneous--not
linear--and so it is ever-changing. This is the power of the
point of now in the fluidity of what you call "Time."
And that is how it is possible for you to affect your future
selves, all of you. And who are all of your future selves? They
are those "out there" to see what you're going to be
doing, because it impacts them directly. That is how utterly
important you all are. And so, no more "mousey-mouseys!"
about "little old me." You are incredibly important.
. . . and ABUSE OF POWER
So let us move to a discussion of power. Yes, there has been
abuse of power. Everyone has done it or been done unto by it.
How else would you learn? And so at some point you may be that
5th-dimensional Pleiadian who is still obsessed with using someone
as a human library. You see? This is an experience that you may
have chosen. Virtually every possibility of existence, knowledge,
expression--the guys in the black hats, the guys in the white
hats--you have been and are all of those, all at the same time.
And this is the point at which when we say, "The ideal consciousness
is in experiencing the Oneness, because you are all those "bad
guys" right now as well as all the "good guys"
right now. Sometimes there is denial there, because one wants
to project the violence within, the unkindness within, to something
outside itself and say, "No-that's not me. I don't do that."
You all do all of it. And the sooner you say, "Okay. I do
all of it," then the sooner that Oneness consciousness happens
Now. WHAT IS POWER? The only appropriate
power is the power within yourself. And so those of you who are
still afraid of exercising your power have NOT taken the only
appropriate power available to you. Can you trust yourselves?
[laughs] Yes, because in the larger scheme of things some other
aspect of you is doing the power "abuse" now. You,
here, know in your consciousness where you are with power. You
know that you can trust yourselves. But do you know that you
are holding yourselves back from glorious experiences by being
afraid of taking your own power and of being afraid of the responsibility
that comes with that? The responsibility is: Fasten your seat
belt and enjoy glorious times! Warp eight.
But what you say to yourself is: "I'm afraid
of my power because I might abuse it." This is not true.
The fear actually is in succeeding beyond your wildest dreams--imagine
that paradox--because then you are responsible only for yourself
. . . totally for yourself. You can't blame anybody else. And
the other thing is that when you become empowered, people around
you who have seen you disempowered for most of your life don't
like it. [laughter] And so you say, "Oh, I'd better not
be powerful, because they don't like it." Is that a good
reason? Let them get used to it! [laughter] And how many of you
experience, when you get those wonderful, juicy glimpses of your
own empowerment, if only for a few moments around people who
have never seen that in you--experience that they are horribly
intimidated by it?
The correct response, if only in your thoughts
is: "You get your own power, just like I did!" When
you show that power (and many times it's not even conscious--people
don't know what hit them), all they do is shield, or they feel
something they interpret as negative. This is what you're experiencing
as they recoil from your power. Understand that it is their
problem to find their own power. Okay, then you have the other
people who, mostly unconsciously, sense your power and they're
trying to take some of that power for themselves. Both situations
make you very uncomfortable, and then you tend to pull your power
back in again.
It is your power; you've worked very hard to have that expression.
Just enjoy it, and start hanging out with people who encourage
you to be empowered. Start hanging out with people who say, "All
right! Go for it!" Be with those people who support you
in that--not with those want to keep you held down.
QUESTION: What does it mean
to "take your own power back?"
MELORA: We would not term
it as "taking your power back"; we would term it as
revealing it, or removing what stands between you and your consciousness
that it has existed within you always. Removing the impediments--the
ego problems; the issues, karmic and from this life; what our
Jyoti calls "the rodent voices" of your childhood:
"You're ugly. You're stupid," etc. The rodents, with
their pointy teeth, making you feel bad about yourself. One good
first step toward letting yourself express your power is, whenever
you hear one of those voices, say: "No, no, no. You're not
telling me the truth." Stop listening to them, and stop
being affected by them. Stop being affected by anything that
tells you that you're not glorious, brilliant, beautiful, handsome,
And this is not conceit. You see, believing that
it's conceit is the real brainwashing. When you have children,
don't you encourage them and say, "Oh! What a beautiful
picture. This is fantastic!" And you go on, and on, and
on; but that stops at a certain point, right? After you become
a certain age you're not allowed to have other people say things
like that, or you might get conceited. Why is that? Why can't
one of you, as an adult, bring a picture in here and have all
of you say, "That is sensational!" This is what you
can do for each other to help empower each other. And this is
what you can do for yourself. Understand that primarily, here,
first, you do this for you. And we have said to people in private
session, "Look in the mirror and say: 'Oh, you gorgeous
creature!'" Let yourself feel good about yourself.
We have said before that people are experts
at angst and experts at undergoing pain. There is this
human genius for suffering pain. But if a tiny bit of joy comes
in, people are entirely leveled. Just a little bit of joy and
they can't take it. Why is that? Joy is the thing you're supposed
to be getting good at.
As always, we wish you great
Joy of the Light! We are Melora.