SESSION: 2/26/00
QUESTION: Jyoti would like more information on her traumatic
life in China.
MELORA: Yes. There
has been much resistance to remembering this because this is
the severest case of sexual abuse and torture of any of her lifetimes,
[gently] including this one. It resonates throughout her incarnational
lives. This person, from the time she was a small child through
later adult lifetime, was used virtually as a slave. It was ritualistic
abusewhat, in China, would be the equivalent of sorcery.
Even though her consciousness was that of an exalted being, what
was done to her body . . . there was great "temptation,"
if you will, to renounce all of what she knew at the Soul level
to be true of the Light because of the inability to accept what
she had chosen to learn from this abuse in that lifetime. The
temptation to renounce Creator. The wish to annihilate the Self.
The agony of Spirit as well as body that she experienced in this
lifetime was very greatthe most intense of the lifetimes
in which she has chosen to explore this issue.
In order to help her, we wish to impart
the information . . . her question is "Why?" of course.
"Why would one keep coming in and having this happen."
"Why in the world would one do this?" "What is
the lesson that Im missing?" is her question. Her
question still, oftentimes, is "Why do people have to suffer?"
The term we are hearing is "refinement
of Spirit." This is a potential. In choosing the depth and
intensity of this kind of experience, many have been launched
on a spiritual path. Many have come to and maintained their vision
of themselves as spiritual beings, whereas if things had been
"comfortable" they would have been distracted by the
physical, 3rd-dimensional comfort and not sought the spiritual
refinement which was the intention.
The next question is, "How does this
create spiritual refinement?" The spiritual refinement that
is created is a result of being so keenly discerning of the finer
gradations of thingsfirst physically and then being able
to discern fine patterns and distinctions of energetic movement
and expression. Oftentimes people come in to incarnation as artists
to explore this. What our Jyoti has found in lifetimes in which
she has been an artist is that that didnt work because
she could not create in art what these discernments were. The
particularities that are part of the Whole, that create the whole
tapestry. The little red thread over here that is part of the
vast, one tapestry. To be able to discern this.
And so, with the suffering there were
times when she experienced the exquisite beauty of her Soul,
and it got her through. Or as a result of the excruciating physical
pain, she reached with her consciousness a sweet, beautiful core
that otherwise she wouldnt have known existed. It was for
that one momentat which the entire Soul lineage glimpsed
and expanded into the awareness of the Onethat she made
this sacrifice for the good of the Whole. She is saying, "If
Wendy is getting this, then I think Im getting this too."
And yet there is still the question: "Why is that the only
QUESTION: Thats been the paradigm of the Collective
Consciousness of Humanity, played out by the archetype of The
MELORA: Yes. And
so now we are going to work with our Jyoti to release very quickly.
We are sending our Jyoti back from now to this time . . . and
the being that she was in this lifetime is incarcerated in a
very cold cell without any comforts. She is shackled to a wall
and forced to live like an animal. They just clean her up right
before they want to use her. Total abuse. Total deprivation.
And now she [Jyoti now] appears before herself [Jyoti then] as
a spirit that in that milieu she would recognize as a good spirit
and as a comforting spirit. She looks into her own eyes in that
lifetime as she is shackled like an animal to the wall.
She [Jyoti now] lifts herself [Jyoti then]
out of her body in that lifetime to be in that space with her
[Jyoti now] where theres no painwhere there is just
very loving Creator energy. Lifts her out of her body to release
her from that lifetime many years before it actually would have
happened back then. We have now changed the timeline. Now we
educate her Soul Being Essence about why and where she is now
and who she is in the totality of the Collective Being she and
Jyoti are part of. We see spirals forminglike DNA spiralslifting
them both up. Releasing the karmic patterns, releasing the separation
from Creator, coming to full understanding of the purpose that
has served ALL in the collective Soul Lineage.
Now "accordianizing" across
those timelines and lifetimes, merging them, having the painful,
the "negative," karma drop away. Being reinstated is
only the consciousness of the One to free all in their work in
the One. Now.