like to share that I'm noticing much improved feelings and attitudes
towards the people you did the Etheric Cords Removal [from the
client] last
session. Thank you. -- K.T. (Boulder, CO)
am gonna do my best to tell how much I appreciate your gifts
and talents. This is the day after my cord cutting and I feel
completely transformed. My head space is light, my mind is free,
and I feel like I have control of my thoughts. I feel GREAT!
L.A. (Wilmington, DE)
first want to thank you and your team because i am in total awe.
I feel so changed, clear, happy, bright and vibrant again..it
has been years. Years....... I first begun to feel this shift
at around 4:20pm our time. But I was not sure your worksheet
was Daylight savings time or mountain standard time. It appears
I had some responsibility in these relationships and will so
as note to request forgiveness. I cannot even explain how wonderful
I feel. Especially because I was talking with a friend at work
less than 15 min before the timeline in your sheet and was sad,
ready to cry and profound heaviness and then i noticed it was
gone only a little while later. have had fatigue that was forcing
me to plan my time around how I thought I would feel. Now, a
new me. I wish to thank you and Melora eternally. God bless and
thank you. -- (Anonymous,
per client's request.)
you Joanna..! it's so striking on my end at how apt your reports
are - just resonating for me. much appreciation to you. - T.L.
Ontario, Canada)
cannot thank you enough. I was gaining energy as you were working,
my throat was relaxing, and toxins were pouring out of my body
all at the same time. What relief your sessions have been. You
are dynamic, powerful, and a wonderful blessing. I am sincerely
thankful for your spiritual work and unique talents. May God
bless you over and over again. - K.S. (Scottsdale, AZ)
you. I received the work sheets. I felt a little different during
the time you were working on the cords removal, so I am excited
to see what that brings. Also on the soul retrieval, I suspected
molestation but had no memory of it. I always felt like there
were 2 perpertrators, one being my ex-neighbor, but I thought
the second one was my dad. I never would have thought of my grandfather.
Anyway, you confirmed what I have suspected all along. You are
quite amazing! -
L.B. (Grandview,
very much for your great work (and Melora and the rest of the
team). Wow! That was amazingly intense to read, rather difficult
- I can absolutely see a lot those themes playing roles in my
life. You know what's really funny is that my "manifestation
trait list of my future husband" has listed in the "no
negotiation" category: must be of similar education and
income level, must enjoy and be supportive of having a wife with
ambition, must feel like equals in the relationship, etc. That's
pretty interesting! - D.O. (Bellevue, WA)
Thank you for your covering email about this ECR from today.
I had the feeling that a deeper level of karmic stuff would appear
and here it is :) Yes, the acceptance of my own part in the relationships
and changes that I make in myself are hugely important in this
work. I understand the tug of war principle between people from
working in a boys school for 25 years . Buddhic practices -towards
self and others - understanding, compassion, harmlessness and
kindness are powerful healers. It's just remembering and managing
one's own behaviour . Thank you for this work to free me from
past karma. ( stirring the waters and clearing the silt that
comes up.... ) and reminding me of my part in creating and clearing
karma. -
D.B. (Victoria,
feel so alive...I am at peace. I feel so loved...so protected...the
feeling is so wonderful and so indescribable. Nothing short of
euphoric...I feel so very alive and free, as if a huge burden
has been lifted off of me. The illness I have had for the last
two weeks...the off and on fever, the headaches, and the last
few days, the pain and burning sensation in the back of my neck
and fever blisters...gone. I feel so alive! Thank you so very
much! Blessings to you always. - A.R. (Alvin, TX)
you did start early today :) I felt the difference this morning
when I arrived at work and spoke with one of the individuals
you did the session on. Makes me want to do these sessions more
often. Thanks so much for all that you do, I greatly appreciate
it. -
M.E. (Rockton,
you so very much Joanna. I feel so much more free and complete
right now. It's amazing, miraculous, and soul affirming. I am
eternally grateful as always for this profound healing. my life
is transformed in so many positive ways that I know I am peacefully
in God's grace. Thank you so much again for all of your help
as well as that of your guides/team. - L.O. (Daly City, CA)
. . the clearing you performed between me and [the client's son]
has helped me tremendously! I feel such love for him, but I feel
more separate, present and clearer myself. - M.M. (Sutton, MA)
- I should convey to you - I feel so different today - I can
breathe, I feel grounded, I don't feel under attack, and the
high octane emotional charge I had around the situation with
my brother is gone. Thank you so much. real actual proof! - T.L.
you so much for your wonderful work and all the time you put
into this session. Yes I was somewhat horrified to find out my
level of responsibility in this but so pleased to recognise that
and let it go. I was feeling what you were doing as my night
was pretty incredible in terms of knowing and processing. We
are so blessed to have found you right at this time. -- J.G. (Queensland,
clearing you did for [the client's husband] and all
of us . . . continues to assert a dramatic freedom and true "clearing"
energy here, and we thank you so-o-o-o much! It is almost as
if the previous clearings were peeling back the layers [of the
"onion"] so that this layer could present itself for
healing, as these last cords/hooks went very deep, and way beneath
the thinking system. It continues to be a remarkable clearing.
a week later]:
I continue to be uplifted and changed and freed and "charged
with Light" from the ECR session. Wow, that really has been
the most powerful one yet. As you say, people cannot expect to
be completely cured of everything at once. As a healing friend
taught me, we can only clear as deeply as the layer that is presenting
[and, months later]:
would like for people to know that the effects of that clearing
are as strong and complete today as when you did it months ago.
I know that due to habits, we sometimes backslide on certain
types of clearings, but not this one! It created a profound,
immediate, and permanent change MUCH for the better. Really!
It's because we were being affected/vampired/drained/influenced
by the self-serving energies of others who had corded to us,
so the changes have nothing to do with our own patterns or habits.
It's like parasites were removed, paving the way for a restoration
of health.
[and, more months later]: When
you did the Etheric Cords Removal for us, it was basically a
life altering event in terms of FEELING the changes afterwards,
AND, the improvements have been permanent! It really clears the
space for a big transition to occur (immediately, with no apparent
effort on the client's part except the desire to be free of the
cords - what a gift!) Who knew how much etheric cords affect
us all and keep us stuck, suck energy off of us, and hold us
back? It's one thing to know it in theory, but another thing
to feel the freedom of having them removed! -- D. from New
work you have done for us, and especially the ECR you just completed
for me, has already had a profound effect. I spent the whole
day in a heightened state of awareness after receiving your report.
I realized the necessity of asking for forgiveness not just for
the three people you are aware of, but also for all of the others
that to began to flood in to my awareness. I was also able to
let go of all of this as well. This was a hugh energy shift for
me and it already seems like eons ago that I replied back to
your email. --
G.P. (Boise, ID)
you so much! Wow! deep stuff! Yes most interesting to see the
patterns and much that i have to accept responsibility for..my
awareness is now dealing with this on a much deeper level. It's
strange, but just after midnight i felt such a tug @ my 2/3rd
chakras, i had to get up.. i knew something was happening. .
. . Thank you so much for this healing. I agree, my soul was
certainly saying "go for it"! [and the next day]: Today i
feel lighter! no doubt that was the sensation as the root/cords
were being healed..green [healing] light has done its work
& thank you for sending it. -- M.F. (Chiswick, London, UK)
just wanted to thank you for the cord removal and the session
that you did for me. I noticed a great change and improvement
with these people in my life. Especially yesterday when my 'ex'
contacted me and we had a nice chat together. And so now, I feel
like we could just be friends and it just seemed like we picked
up where we left off, only without the issues/karma that comes
with the cords. After I read the worksheets several times, I
did a lot of contemplation and decided to also change my attitude
towards them, because I wasn't aware that I owed karmic debt
to them. Usually when I get readings, they are very one-sided
and I am grateful that you told me about the karmic debt and
my resistance to it. It helped me to make peace more with myself
and others and I also realized that I did have some guilt that
I didn't know I had. So I was able to also do more self-forgiveness
as well as doing even more forgiveness towards these people.
So now I feel like I see things differently, from a bigger perspective
and I was also be able to be more at peace with the past and
with these people. I just wanted to thank you, because I think
it's wonderful that you help people in this way and because it
helped me to change my perspective and be more forgiving towards
myself and others. THANK YOU. -- L.D. (Sparks, NV)
you so much- I was away this weekend , but at about 16 30 UK
time felt you had done the work !! and the next day felt SO !!
much better. feel so much better now -so much
lighter - all feels gone now. didn't realise that I was so unwilling
to take any karmic responsibility! - so cool! all the very best
and lots of love. -- D.W. (Hitchin, Herts., UK)
you Joanna for this most profound work. -- T.K. (Dubuque, IA)
it has taken me so long to thank you for this session but I want
to tell you how much I appreciate your beautiful work and I have
given your name to several others. -- J.G. (Belli Park, Queensland,
you Joanna for this session. I had no idea that I was 100% resistant
to accepting karmic responsibility for the negativity generated
from me. This session is an eye opener. I will be ordering 2
more sessions of the like in the next couple of days as I see
the results and clearances effected by this session. -- S.S. (Dubai,
United Arab Emirates)
you for sending along the worksheets for the . . . session on
cord removal. I found them most interesting. No matter how many
times we have tried to forgive and let go, this session of yours
shows why the letting go is not complete. The number of cords
and other issues is truly amazing. Having been a Course in Miracles
teacher for 11 years, the main focus of the Course was always
forgiveness. Your cord removal took the forgiveness and "letting
go" process to a new level. I think the work you are doing
here is truly noble. Not only do I now feel the forgiveness process
is complete, but it feel it was done honorably and with love.
Thank you for the freedom you have now created for three very
difficult relationships in my life. I really think this is excellent
work you are doing! -- A.S. (Sarasota, FL)
calmer and more relaxed since the Etheric Cord Removal session
-- S.P. (Rotherfield, Crowborough, UK)
just wanted to say that during the De-cording Session, I was
feeling the work being done on my head (all over it, especially
on top and the back of it). I was feeling things in my body also...
The sensations were heat, a lot of movement on the skin, in my
field and under the skin. As the work was being done, I could
feel shifts and I still feel them (like my consciousness getting
messages, become clearer, lighter) (more opened, at peace, more
loving, forgiving and compassionate) (and my field getting repaired).
The de-cording was done a few hours ago and I am still feeling
the energy moving and the shifts. It is an amazing feeling. Before
this session was done, I still had anger and resistance in fully
opening up with [the client's partner]. Now, I feel so much unconditional
love pouring out of me. For my parents, I feel the same... Like
a heavy veil has lifted between us all. And when saying the sentence
or affirmation that you sent, I felt SO MUCH COMPASSION for the
3 people involved. I know this work will be extremely beneficial
for everyone involved. This is helping everyone to connect with
their inner wisdom and light... And bringing positive shifts
to this World. Thanks so much. I am SO GRATEFUL. -- C.P. (Vancouver,
BC, Canada)
I enjoyed an amicable lunch with my ex, a friend of his and two
of my sons. Then [the
client's ex-husband] gave me $846 in cash that he owed
me, without quibbling or harassing me. Bottom line, I thought
this treatment was for [the client's ex-husband's] benefit
but I am reaping the benefits as well. I feel so free, light,
blissed out. A great yahoo! feeling, no restrictions, all possibilities.
It is intoxicating. I also feel that I am starting to experience
the benefits of the prosperity session, in my thinking and in
the way my needs are being met. -- H.S. (Fairfield, IA)
so much! It's actually quite empowering to have these results
I think looking at my share of the degree of responsibility is,
if anything, an opportunity to become empowered through release,
and choose that much more of a loving response. I have to say
that all this makes sense, viewed in retrospect. I definitely
had to sit with things a while (considering I initially came
across your site back in 2004) before I felt that your techniques
and work would be appropriate for my process. (There is SOOO
much out there, and one really has to be discerning!) Based on
the effects of these sessions I know that my inner feelings were
ultimately correct. -- N.S. (Chicago, IL)
a very interesting experience and this one was excellent, i really
felt the work being done.
Actually not feeling all that good for 48 hours but once the
blocks had been taken care of i could
meditate thinking i have not those blocks anymore... and of course
that totally improved the whole picture ! I feel much better
now and thank you again from the bottom of my heart... -- S.F.G. (Geneva,
my mother called me from Brazil around 10 this morning; just
around the time that you and Melora had started the session.
On my end, I felt a wave of sadness and strong desire to cry
all morning, and so I chanted my way though it. In the worksheet,
where you indicated past lives karmic issues for diagnosis only
is amazing how accurate you are. Youve described these
relationships so well. Many thanks to Melora and to you. I am
so humbled by this and continue to admire the work that you do.
S.M. (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
what a tremendous difference! feel like i've been on hold for
a very long time. . . unable to move forward. feel like a lot
of my power has returned. happy to know that they're feeling
better too. assuming that karmic responsibility is from former
lives? . . . ready to clean this stuff up! -- D.M. (Belle Chasse, LA)
you for the worksheets. Accurate as always. -- E.S. (Paris, France)
want to thank you for the wonderful session. Already I have been
feeling a subtle change in my energy level and all those negative
thoughts that have been playing over and over in my mind have
ceased. --
C.Y. (Hollywood, FL)
you for carrying out these sessions, I certainly feel VERY different
and in a very positive way, i am assimilating all the feelings
and sensations and finding it quite marvellous and intriguing
(even the use of these words is intriguing to me :) I would like
to just keep feeling these things and then get back to you with
a proper response when I have gathered my thoughts a bit more.
I just wanted to say, thank you, this is received, gratefully
and I will get back to you soon. I've not talked to Jack yet
but I can feel that things with him are much more at ease. -- J.M. (Slough,
Berkshire, England, UK)
daughter's ex husband rings twice a week to talk to his children.
Each phone call he vents his anger, frustration and rage out
on my daughter before or after talking to his children. I was
aware of this and the way it affected my daughter so I arranged
for Joanna to do an Etheric Cords Removal session between my
daughter and her ex-husband. Whilst I was on holidays and after
the Etheric Cords Removal session I saw my daughter talking to
her ex-husband for some time and was surprised at the length
of the phone call. After my daughter hung up she came over to
me and said that she was in shock. The reason being was that
for the first time since she had left her ex-husband they had
a sane, civil, adult to adult conversation about the welfare
of their children." -- B.S. (Buderim, Queensland, Australia)
most surprising and enjoyable, blissful result from the recent
ECR you did for me. After clearing all the old cords away, esp.
from my first love, I feel like he is with me all the time, in
a sea of love and joy. I find myself smiling chuckling or laughing
at odd times throughout the day as I think of him. I feel so
incredibly loved, valued. I realized that for years I have loved
other people and felt the joy of that and I have known that other
people, such as family and friends loved me but I didn't really
feel loved, cherished, couldn't accept it, receive it, or something,
but now I do. It is incredible. As if the deepest truth of our
existence is love and when you get rid of all the issues and
karma and yucky stuff, that is what is left. And now I am remembering
and experiencing every other time and person and place of love
I have ever felt, like a Niagara Falls of love pouring and endless
and safe too. I am so incredibly grateful. I wonder also if clearing
the nameless pedophile cleared away the hurt and lack of trust
in my heart for love and now I can just feel it and accept it.
I feel so close to my first love and to Love. It feels like the
Agape kind of
-- H.S. (Fairfield, IA)
you and Melora very much for the De-Cording session. It is amazing
to see how individuals get inter-twined with each other and cannot
let go of small things. I have asked [the client's wife] to practice
the helpful suggestions you have provided. Many many blessings.
S.K. (San Jose, CA)
kind and yet very direct and instructive response to my worries
about [the
client's daughter] has helped me find a more balanced
and accepting place. "Cleaning up my own house" is
a good starting point indeed. The work you have done for us has
given me some much needed perspective on karma.
All the very best to you, Joanna, and for the wonderful work
you do. I really appreciate it.
Blessings on all you do. -- D.B. (Weetangera, ACT, AUSTRALIA)
appreciated the session very much, and already feel the subtle,
positive shifts of it. Yesterday, I "dreamed" of these
three men whom I loved so much, the main three of the last 20
years, and I saw them standing on the other side of a silver
lake. A place that was beyond time and included the culmination
of all lifetimes together, although for simplicity we all looked
like this current one. They were all smiling and it was nothing
but love from all of them to me, and from me to them. Out of
my hands came iridescent "gifts" that I gave to them,
saying "this is yours." And they did the same. One
of them gave me an iridescent Light Feather, which merged with
my throat, the other gave me an Iridescent Heart, which merged
with my Heart, and the third gave me a double spiral Iridescent
light swirl, which surrounded me, like a magical double helix,
DNA, and merged into me. All of them that I gave to them were
the Iridescent DNA Light Swirls. One strand out of my right palm
and the other out of my left, swirling together and getting larger
as it met them. I then said to them all, "Thank you; go in
peace." And they disappeared, all grinning from ear to
ear, as was I... It was amazing. So much love and healing. -- S.C. (Poolville,
to let you know I've really noticed a huge difference in my relationship
with my parents since the ecr, its like I'm seeing them as real
people rather than these kind of extensions of me I was seeing
before. This feels super healthy and like we're going to be able
to build up a healthy relationship, whereas before we were pretty
much estranged! Its been a really unexpected result... already
dreaming about holidays together and stuff like this... So thank
you!! --
J.M. (Slough, Berkshire, England, UK)
can't say enough. That was the most powerful and profound healing
I have ever experienced. I am deeply grateful for all you have
done for me and for those who are in the ECR. They have felt
the profound changes also. Especially [a friend] who you
know as one of your clients. It was she who sent me to you and
I am deeply honored and gratefull for your divine help and healing.
I cannot thank you enough. Blessings and Light on you and your
great work. --
R.O. (PortAlberni, BC, Canada)
the day before you did the session, the one I had first on my
list (an ex-boyfriend) suddenly sent me an email, and I hadn't
heard from him in 7 or 8 months or more maybe. And then the nights
after the session I had the most amazing dreams. They were all
about how I was running away from people or trying to escape
a prison or a school. And then different variations of me realizing
that I had killed them before, a long time ago. And then I saw
the stupidity of me running away from them - because we both
know I killed them - and I stopped and waited for them to catch
up to me. Sometimes they just wanted to talk to me. Other times
they would disappear the moment I decided to stop running away
and take responsibilty.
Especially with this
ex-boyfriend the dreams were so incredibly wise and painted a
picture of the essence of our relationship with such clarity
- that he owned more parts of me han anybody else. (Even my parents
had 'less' of me than he did!! )
The main difference
I feel now is that my resentment towards him has gone down immensly!
Still does every day, and it also includes my resentment towards
myself in that relationship and everything related. I am loving
this so much!! the peace and compassion that replaces the shame,
guilt, blame and frozen-ness that I held towards him. -- E.G. (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
do all healing work remotely, as there are no Time or Space barriers
when working with the Higher Beings who actually do these healings.
However, I do send you the worksheets with my notes from your
Contact Joanna Neff: <lightexp@infionline.net>