with Joanna Neff,

Registered Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master


To read Case Studies/Testimonials, scroll to the bottom of this page.



AS WITH TRADITIONAL USUI REIKI, HOLY FIRE® REIKI IS UNCONSTRAINED BY TIME OR SPACE. This allows healing to be "sent" from a distance. Reiki even goes through the metal lead! Holy Fire Reiki heals on all levels--physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

All inhabitants of our planet are enduring extremely difficult times, and every client for whom I have done Holy Fire® Reiki, including companion animals, has required grounding. It is as if we keep "leaving" our bodies because we can't deal with the chaotic events, the constant barrage of bad news, the strictures imposed upon us by a sweeping pandemic.

In addition, massive geophysical events continue to reflect the drastic effects of global warming and impact all levels of our existence. Mass Consciousness is "broadcasting" much fear, anger and chaos. This has the collective power literally to seep through the walls of our homes and permeate the atmosphere of our daily lives. Because Holy Fire® Reiki addresses all sources of our dis-ease(s), it has the power to target our need for grounding and reconnects us with our bodies and with our Earth.


Holy Fire® Reiki is a highly evolved form of Reiki, introduced in 2014 by Reiki Master William Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training. This miraculous healing can be "ignited" in those who already have been attuned to traditional, Master Level Usui Reiki. I received my own Holy Fire® Reiki ignitions from sensei William Rand in an online course with 24 other Reiki Masters in early June.

Both powerful and gentle, Holy Fire® Reiki works through purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. The energy combines traditional Usui Reiki and a contemporary evolution of Reiki.

As described in the International Center for Reiki Training's website, Holy Fire® energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness than traditional Usui Reiki does. Qualities of Holy Fire® Reiki include:

Always respects free will--i.e., it does not violate Soul intention.
Heals deeply and quickly without distress.
Releases worry and replaces it with a sense of safety in a most pronounced way.
Spontaneously provides guidance that is palatable for every level of life experience.
Imparts a feeling of being loved--a deep and refined feeling that is very nurturing.

In my experience, Holy Fire® Reiki demonstrates that this energy from Divine Source works much more powerfully and swiftly than does Master-Level Usui Reiki, the latter which I have been doing for clients, friends and family for more than 25 years!

Intense, long-term chronic afflictions take more than one Holy Fire® Reiki session. This is because the issues creating these afflictions are complex and multi-layered. And hundreds of past lives can also be involved.

Afflictions manifesting more recently take much less time for Holy Fire Reiki to treat and heal.


Here is a client's response to the results of her Holy Fire III session regarding a painful swelling on her foot:
Recently I'd been dealing with an unexplained swelling in one of my feet: I had spent a few weeks with my regular health-care practitioners seeking to address this - no results. CAT scans were in the offing. It was concerning. I turned to Joanna and she suggested the Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki treatment. The day after my session with her the swelling had decreased 80 percent and the energy around me had shifted. Two days later - my foot was fully back to normal - after weeks!! Deep interdimensional changes had been activated. I love being a beneficiary of Joanna's gifts as a healer. -- ("a grateful client from Toronto)
A client in his fifties who has been running 5 miles a day for decades contracted COVID-19. Although, on the surface, he seemed to have recovered, there was so much lung damage that every time he took an in-breath, the pain was quite intense six months after his recovery. In a Holy Fire® Reiki "share" with other Masters, his name was put in a bowl at the Zoom host's home, along with names submitted by all the other masters involved in the Reiki share. And so every week, ALL us Holy Fire® III Masters sent this wondrous healing to the people whose names are in the bowl. It has taken 2 months of weekly Holy Fire Reiki, but this person, finally, now feels "way better" after 8 months of after-effects of Coronavirus.
Another client whose name is in that bowl for our Holy Fire® III Masters Reiki "share" has been battling cancer for more than a year. After the first Holy Fire® Reiki treatment by all of us masters in the Reiki share, this client reported that she slept 10 hours straight, which was unusual, because she has been suffering from insomnia since she was first diagnosed with cancer.
Here is a client's response to the results of her grandson's Holy Fire® Reiki session, focusing on the boy's severe stuttering:
My grandson is a changed person. And his speech development. He doesn’t hesitate to talk anymore, he is CONFIDENT about talking, not hung up AT ALL he doesn’t feel shy about talking, his lisp -where it used to be the first thing my brain noticed it’s still there but there are so many developments and milestones in his speech that you barely notice it now. Also it has reduced in size. He is so so so so so much happier it’s like his whole personality broke through. If I find a better way to say it later I will but [the boy's mother] and I are just thrilled thrilled to tears, literally. You cannot believe such a relief for us it was a tension we were just holding onto forever and now it’s gone IT’S GONE !!!!! He just expresses himself so freely now and he’s so so so so so much happier.
The daughter ("A") of a client has been suffering chronic migraines for a while now. After A's Holy Fire® Reiki treatment, A no longer had any symptoms of migraine. Interesting note: during the session, Holy Fire® focused on on grounding A and reconnecting her with her body--and centered on treating the left side of A's head.
Another client has had many problems with not being able to find a home. She had been travelling for several months, staying in motels. And so I suggested Holy Fire® III Reiki. After her session she reported that she felt very centered and uplifted. Less than two weeks later, the client reported that she had found her new, permanent home.
A client in Ireland asked me to do a live, online Holy Fire® Reiki session for her two Siamese cats, "B" (a female) and "C" (a male). As soon as I began the session, it was clear that the client--not "B" and "C"--needed the healing. (Our companion animals often take on ailments for us, including tumors and other afflictions.) "B" immediately went to sleep. "C", however, watched everything that was going on while I did Holy Fire® Reiki for 45 minutes for her guardian, who had fibromyalgia and a host of other ailments. When I finished the HF Reiki session and asked if "B" and "C" needed healing, I got "No." All is now well with the three of them.
This message from a client in Hong Kong regards a companion animal healing with Holy Fire® Reiki for her all-black lab, named "Spot"
: Thank you for the detailed email, especially all the explanations on the symbols that have been used to work on [the client's little French bulldog]. Yes he will benefit from more exercise. He said he felt your loving energy too and it gave him relief on all levels. I am joyful that the client and her dog can communicate so clearly.

Once a session is scheduled, only in very rare occasions do I refund a payment.

If, for some unforeseen reason, I need to delay completion of your session, we will re-book.

Holy Fire® AND KARUNA REIKI® are the registered service marks of William Lee Rand

I require payment via PayPal up-front before scheduling a session.
When I have received notice from PayPal that you have sent your payment, I will email you with your session date.

Online Session Fee: $75 U.S.




For more information, contact Joanna Neff: <lightexp@infionline.net>


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The information in these pages is provided for educational purposes, and sessions are not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment obtained through a physician or other licensed health care provider.