I thank you Lord Melchizedek.
I honor your presence. I honor the presence of those who sit
before me. I am perhaps coming through rather intensely. I have
not worked with the one, Jyoti. I will ask Melora to help calibrate
the energies.
My message today is to not
fear intensity of energy, to not fear when you feel the intensity
of energy that somehow it means you are not in harmony. So many
have the belief that if you are connected in spirituality to
the One that it is always soft, that it is always quiet. I wish
to inform you and to make the suggestion that the more connected
you are energetically, the more intense it is going
to feel. The more you connected you are in consciousness,
the more soft it will feel to you. The connection of consciousness
is not energetic in the same sense as in connecting with the
pure energy itself. Pure consciousness in a still state is indeed
quiet. The union or reunion of consciousness, your consciousness
with the Divine in meditation, is still, is soft. It is the cessation
of movement, do you see--the cessation of movement. The stillness
in that point of now in consciousness is soft and quiet, but
that is not the only way to connect. Would you agree, Lord Melchizedek?
Melchizedek: It
is very profound in that you are learning to experience within
your bodies, within your consciousness, within the direct connection
that you are making, and having the foundation of the quiet,
soft ways that you are able to use as your, shall we say, launching
pad. This is something that all of you are experiencing very
clearly right now and sometimes its very frightening to
you as you feel these strong energetic changes within your body.
So it is very important what Isis is saying to you right now:
that you learn not to fear this compassion and this intensity
that you are experiencing in these days of very incredible energetic
shifts on all dimensions. Not just the Earth moving through her
ascension process, but as we are all connected, as you have been
speaking this morning ,of these Light Webs and of these Communication
Webs and the sound and the light of connection, so every energetic
change that is going to bring on in your planet, in your body,
within the solar system, the star system, that you call your
body, you are experiencing in a new way, in a physical way, these
energetic changes. So it is very critical that you learn not
to fear the intensity of this energy. Absolutely. We thank you.
I thank you. And I am seeing
the pillar of light which Melora described as my signature energetic
role, if you will, as a member of whom you call "The Lady
Masters of Karma" and many other councils.
Just as all energies move
and are interrelated, our energies as members of The Council
of 12 will move freely about in nonrestrictive ways as Lord Melchizedek
described. Yes, they can become focused as they are now so I
may speak through the one who sits before you. They can stop,
if you will, and focus and take form or take voice in a moment
intersecting in time and space with people as I have done in
ancient Egypt and other times with other names as all, including
the great Pallas Athena and the great Quan Yin have done, being
embodied so as to be of better service by having gone through,
having experienced in the body the rigors of incarnation in physical
form. You experience the struggle of consciousness to reunite
with the One and not be fragmented from it.
I speak through the one who
sits before you with Meloras assistance. I have stepped
forward to bring a message of your understanding of how you can
consciously shift your energy so that you are a pillar
of light, connected above, connected below. The "Zau Raum"
[note: one of the Atlantean tonals] pillar of light connects
that beautiful crystal in the center of your Earth that is like
a brain and like a network of communication to all who inhabit
her, connecting to that center, connecting vertically, if you
will, to those above you. That is one kind of movement of energy
that is necessary. It is, as it is said, the shortest distance
between 2 points being a straight line.
So that is one kind of energy
movement that produces a specific very direct and very accelerated
effect to connect you with everything. But as you know, and with
the Heart Axis, you must have at least two lines to form an axis.
You have the vertical. You have the horizontal. You have the
sacred cross, the intersection of two lines or what we would
describe as two straight movements, if you will. Then you have
all of the geometrical shapes in their interdimensional formations,
not only 3-dimensional versions but also interdimensional versions.
Then you have the circularity of movement, as in gyroscopes,
as in UFO craft, as in travelling through space and time, as
in travelling interdimensionally; the intersection of vertical
and horizontal movements of energy that you call a straight line,
vertical and horizontal; the energetic of movement that you call
a circle or sphere, constantly moving.
Only focus changes
the perception of any particular pattern of movement, so that
if one focuses on the center, one has in the point, in the now,
just this. Perception chooses to stop. Perception
chooses to look at only this tiny portion and then it is given
a name only for the sake of perception. But all is really still
moving, do you see? It is much like the perception that you are
standing on the Earth and nothing is moving. Or that you are
standing upright and on the other side of the world. It looks
like you are upside-down, do you see, because of gravity.
So perception of movement
or non-perception of movement determines to a large extent your
perception of reality. If you do not perceive movement and you
are in a static state or an inert state, you are in a contracted,
pointless, if you will, state of being, focused on one thing
at a time instead of multidimensionally. Do you see? And so I
would describe what is going on in your experience of Ascension
as learning to perceive, or allowing yourself to perceive,
more movement. Would you agree? More movement of energy. To perceive
your reality more in terms of movement. An example would be the
very touted acceleration of time. The many articles and books
that have been written about accelerated consciousness, which
I would suggest is merely a greater perception of a movement
that already exists, a movement that already describes virtually
everything in your reality and all the new things that youre
learning about what is and what can be. Lord Melchizedek, did
you wish to add something here?
Melchizedek: Just
a note of clarification. As you begin to experiment with energetics
as this movement and realize that in the excellent analogy about
time, how you are experiencing time, realize that whatever is
being created in your world that looks like its "out
there" or that is having an effect on you, is merely a reflection
of the energetics that are going on, shall I say, internally.
And when I spoke earlier of the star system that you call your
body, that is literally, literally what I mean, and what
you are starting to experience is this movement and being aware
of the movement. It doesnt mean that the movement has not
always been there; its just that your focus has been on
this one perspective, and as you open up and allow yourself to
experience this movement, you are going to become multidimensional
in your perception while focused still in this physical expression
of that focus.
So exactly
what you are experiencing here today with these bodies [attendees]
that are here, you are experiencing very multidimensionally right
now and its because youre remembering what joy this
movement is and how to be conscious of that joy. And so ,again,
whats happening here today is just merely a reflection--coming
into physical expression of what you are experiencing internally
within your star system as you go through this process of Ascension.
We say thank you. And so,
as Lord Melchizedek so eloquently pointed out, perception
is all. What you are conscious of determines where you go
next, as you say, or where you do not go next. And again, I wish
to emphasize movement. What the one D. [a workshop attendee]
has done in time and space in moving from Colorado to Massachusetts
is a mirroring of an inner movement, a mirroring of a way of
reinstructing the self that staying in one place for long periods
of time is comfortable but not always desirable. And so with
the rigors of moving from one part of the country to another,
D. has sort of shaken herself up and moved her out of a sense
of what familiar and comfortable. And as Lord Melchizedek pointed
out, this can often be very jarring to the human mechanism, what
you call traumatic.
It is difficult for a human
being who feels pain or who feels discomfort to acknowledge and
welcome the changes that caused that discomfort. But I will tell
you that the discomfort is really telling you that youre
in transit from point A to point B on that line of movement.
And so the more you process and steep yourself in discomfort,
the more slowly you travel on that line. It is like the difference
between taking a number of stops in your day trip on the road
to sight-see and going very quickly to your destination, settling
in and exploring your environment there. And this may not be
a totally appropriate example, but what Im saying is that
when you steep yourself in processing the discomfort that
youre feeling, it takes you longer to get to your destination.
And as you know, there are people who can stay in processing
for entire lifetimes, or entire decades, as in going to a psychotherapist
where the classic situation is that you are using the therapist
as a sounding board for processing that never ends. If you
quickly want to move, you do soul retrieval. You get very
accelerated, go to your destination in a very accelerated way.
So what I am saying is that
as you remain more focused on how this is affecting your physical
mechanism, or your physical/mental mechanism, your progress,
as you put it, will be slowed down. As you seek change, meaning
the opening up of your perception, the opening up
of your consciousness, and focus on the movement
in that direction, there you will be accelerated to go there.
The provinces that you are exploring in such a process are not
something that the physical/mental mechanism can track anyway--the
mental mechanism as it is attached to the egoist structure that
is your survival tool in third dimension. And so the real
reason for aspiring to egolessness is to detach from the mechanisms
that would keep you entertained by or absorbed in mental processes
that keep you from ultimately getting to your destination.
It is a subtle form of resistance to reaching your destination,
do you see? Not ego as monster, not ego as tyrant but ego as
thoroughly doing its job helping you remain in third dimensional
consciousness so that people wont think that youre
crazy, so that you can have a family and do your dishes and stay
But now you know that you
can have those little feet, as the one sitting here [Jyoti Alla-An]
describes as sticking out of the bubble, and walking the Earth
while being in total perception consciousness and communion with
true Divine energetic substance that you are of Light.
I would like to thank you
for listening to my message. I wish you great happiness in your
travels from point A to point Z. I wish you great acceleration.
I wish you great relinquishing of the need for comfort, the need
totally for softness and comfort, and the ability to ride an
intense beam of energy, an intensely focused beam such as a laser
beam, through dimensional portals in your consciousness. I wish
you the courage to feel that as exhilaration and not as discomfort.
And the one, Lord Melchizedek, in closing?
Melchizedek: Never
doubt that you have the courage necessary to ride the energetic
waves right now--the courage that it took for the powerful, spiritual
Being that you are in this moment, in this time, to descend into
forgetfulness so that you could experience this is just astonishing
to the other beings in the other universes. So never doubt for
one second that you have the courage that is necessary to do
this. You are astonishing, creative Beings, and you are coming
into that conscious remembrance of how to focus your creative
And its
so important to realize where you focus and that if you focus
on the discomfort, if you focus in the arenas where there is
resistance, then it is going to be just like Isis has said: stopping,
stopping, stopping. Its not going to stop the process,
its just going to take you much longer to get there. So
as you take responsibility for yourselves as powerful, creative
beings choosing this experience, you can release that resistance.
Realign your focus on what it is that you want to create rather
than what you have been taught, encultured within your culture--to
focus on what you dont want to create, which keeps
you creating more of that thing.
So, in closing
again, I want to thank you for inviting us, for being so intensely
focused on what it is that you want to remember that you actually
call us forth in embodied form in a way that we have the ability
to communicate. So we bless you again. It is hard for us to describe
the joy and the celebration that is going on these realms as
we reconnect and we integrate these aspects of all that you are.
Thank you for inviting us.
Thank you, Melchizedek, for
your eloquent addition to our communion with these great Beings
today. I thank you as the Lady Isis, the one you know and call
Goddess. I thank you as Goddesses in your own right and in departing,
I am yours, Isis.