the many universes there is no lack of abundance, in all its
forms; however, there IS a distribution problem!
most often unconsciously, we actually block financial
prosperity from ourselves. Often this abundance blockage is a
result of accumulated lifetimes in which we have disavowed
wealth because of believing it is "non-spiritual."
(For those who think you'd be quoting the Bible on this one,
please know that "The LOVE of money is
the root of all evil": 1
Timothy 6:10, KJV, The King James Bible)--i.e., greed
and lack of love regarding receiving and circulating riches.
This has been falsely quoted as "Money is the root of
all evil"
in a particular lifetime, we find that riches have made us unhappy--or
even brought death to us. In my life, perhaps as a queen about
to be beheaded, right before the gruesome end I might have vowed
that I would never again be rich, as here is where it led me.
it appears to us that the sources of wealth are somehow outside
of ourselves, the truth is that we are either magnetic to financial
riches or not! WE are the source of our wealth potential.
is not just because of the dire world financial situation that
I created this Prosperity Session; it is because of what I have
discovered in my own life to be working.
tried this Prosperity Session out on myself first to see what
would happen. An example from the results is that--in spite of
all my resources and all the work I have done to heal and clear
things for myself--I still found 42,005 false beliefs across
lifetimes that having financial abundance is somehow "non-spiritual."
In addition, I found 13,522 "programs" that were preventing
me from receiving abundance in all its forms across lifetimes.
Here are some of the elements of this Prosperity Session:
the harmful effects on clients' prosperity of the heritage, culture
and religion of ancestors |
the harmful effects on clients' prosperity of negative karma |
Removing spirits of Poverty, Servitude,
Co-dependence and Victimization |
Neutralizing archetypes preventing
financial abundance, including "Martyr," "Slave/Puppet,"
"Mendicant/Beggar," "Wounded Child" and "Orphan" |
Doubt, Fear, Guilt, Unworthiness and False Beliefs that having
financial abundance is non-"spiritual" |
of "contracts," obligations and agreements across lifetimes
preventing clients from receiving abundance in all its forms |
of "programs" blocking financial abundance across lifetimes |
clients' beliefs, thoughts & memories adversely affecting
abundance. |
to zero clients' resistance to receiving and circulating abundance
in all its forms. |
karmic oaths of Poverty, Obedience, Silence, Servitude and Indenture |
karmic vows preventing the personal use--and benefit--of spiritual
healing (including allowance of self-healing) |
body, home, and career/business to the frequency of Prosperity. |
for the most part, from the healing practices of Ramon
Grace, the techniques used are deceptively simple. It takes
a certain level of mastery-- earned spiritual "brownie points,"
if you will--to have these healing requests answered for the
benefit of clients. A pivotal part of the mastery is the successful
"suspension of disbelief" that would otherwise
prevent healing miracles from occurring.
do all healing work remotely, as there are no Time or Space barriers
when working with the Higher Beings who actually do these healings.
And I do send you the worksheets with my notes from your session.