PROSPERITY SESSION with Joanna Neff, page 4 of 4

Adapted, for the most part, from the healing practices of Ramon Grace, the techniques used are deceptively simple. It takes a certain level of mastery-- earned spiritual "brownie points," if you will--to have these healing requests answered for the benefit of clients. A pivotal part of the mastery is the successful "suspension of disbelief" that would otherwise prevent healing miracles from occurring.

I do all healing work remotely, as there are no Time or Space barriers when working with the Higher Beings who actually do these healings. And I do send you the worksheets with my notes from your session.


To schedule a session, contact Joanna Neff: <>

Session Fee: $75.00 U.S.

The information in these pages is provided for educational purposes, and sessions are not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment obtained through a physician or other licensed health care provider.

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