Content prepared by Joanna Neff, Master Teacher of Magnified Healing

The information in these pages is provided for educational purposes, and sessions are not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment obtained through a physician or other licensed health care provider.

 Copyright2025 The Light Expansion Center. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of any content of this webpage is prohibited. The material in these pages may not be photocopied, published, blogged, rewritten or redistributed.





Many have described Magnified Healing energy as "soft yet powerful," "magnetic," "very yin" (or feminine) in its essence. Using the center line of the body and starting at the top of the head, practitioners place one hand in front of the body and the other behind the body. They then move their hands down the body (usually without touching the recipient), all the way to the feet until the entire body has been treated with Magnified Healing. Those who have experienced this beautiful energy feel uplifted, peaceful, connected to the Source Creator. Magnified Healing recipients often feel a pleasant tingling or pulsing in areas with which the healing facilitator is working. The recipient generally completes the treatment with great reduction of stress and pain.

Magnified Healing occurs through balancing the spiritual centers (the chakras). It fully integrates all modalities. From breath and sound to movement, the seeker is actively, consciously engaged in the process. The healer is merely a facilitator, allowing the participant to continue on the healing process without further assistance. (Unique to Magnified Healing are the release of Karma and preparation for Ascension.)

The Earth and all her inhabitants are being prepared for a major shift in consciousness. This shift is made possible by the grace of Ascended Masters and other Great Beings of the Inner Planes, who are giving us many special energies at this time of great Awakening. The several new healing modalities that are being reintroduced to humanity have to do with "vibrational medicine and science," and we will see more focus being drawn to color, sound, and light therapies, as well as sacred geometry.

Vibrational medicine will be the medicine of the future, for conventional medicine is losing its flair among the populace because certain remedies and drugs are no longer working. As our physical bodies continue to change to embrace the light, these remedies of a very dense vibration will no longer serve us. Vibrational medicine recognize the whole being of the individual, including the subtle bodies, which are very important in healing disease within all the bodies.

As Magnified Healing practitioner Jan Bennett has noted, "Many forms of healing are "healer focused." The seeker must go to a physician, priest, temple, shaman or other revered person or place to receive the healing. Generally these forms attempt to address the seeker's spiritual state to some degree as well . . . . [Other] modalities involve the seeker somewhat, and often focus on putting out, or releasing, that which troubles the seeker . . . . Still others attempt to empower seekers to heal themselves through their own sheer will. All of these have merit . . . . None, to date [however], has sought to engage the seeker to the depth that Magnified Healing does."

Magnified Healing was first introduced by a physical soul embodiment of Kwan Yin to Gisele King and Kathryn M. Anderson on August 12, 1983. At that time, it was practiced only in the higher dimensions by the Ascended Masters to assist each other, andunder special dispensation to assist the Earth and humanity.

The Lady Master Kwan Yin (or Kuan-Yin)

The name Kwan Yin means "she who harkens to the cries of the world." As the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy, she performs her service of mercy and healing through love--not through the merit of those who receive her gifts. Her flower and electronic pattern are the five-petalled lotus. (The lotus was the first flower brought forth on Earth and is the divine pattern of the I AM Presence.) Lord Buddha Gautama was her Enlightened Master. It is said that she maintained life in the body for one thousand years before ascending. Kwan Yin was "Chohan of the Seventh Ray" and "Keeper of the Violet Flame" for two thousand years until St. Germain succeeded her in 1954.

Not until the Spring of 1992 did Kwan Yin authorize Gisele and Kathryn to reintroduce Magnified Healing and to expand its use to include healing the Earth, healing Karma and preparing for Ascension. Kwan Yin emphasizes that this healing is a gift from God and that, as such, it should be held in sacredness and in the highest holy order.



Magnified Healing fully integrates all modalities. From breath and sound to movement, the seeker is actively, consciously engaged in the process. The healer is a facilitator, allowing the participants to continue in the healing process at a pace that satisfies the level of their own comfort.


Magnified Healing is very easy to learn and to use, and it is available to everyone. It is initiatory: In the class, the Ascended Master Kwan Yin will be present energetically to initiate you. It incorporates all aspects of healing, allowing the student to participate and then to teach the process without lengthy internships.

As with other healing modalities, Magnified Healing may be practiced in absentia. Unique to the process is the formation of sacred geometries put in motion by the preparation, connection to Source, healing of karma, and work with the earth, which provides a sealed light matrix. The matrix is sealed as the energy is first created and then rededicated to Source. Not only can you use Magnified Healing with other kinds of healing but it also magnifies the healing energy you already have, whether you are new to healing work or already an experienced healer.


Thank you for your feedback on session no.2. I'd say one of the main issues is to do with being a 'seer' and yes blockages do come from previous lifetimes where I've been told it got me (and many others) burned at the stake. So large negative imprint there. Indeed in this lifetime my ability to put my finger on the pulse has also caused problems! Your assessment is correct and I also need to accept my abilities and develop them for this and future lifetimes.

As to not having a connection with the Earth - well part of this is that I see my physical body as just another vehicle for learning. Indeed someone once said my physical body was sometimes in fear and dread of what I'd do next. I treat it like a car - something to get me from A - B and help me achieve something. So, for me, the physical experience is less about living and more about learning what I want to learn - very cerebral! Thanks for all your help and insights.
--M.M. (Dublin, Ireland)

Elements of the Magnified Healing Workshop:

The workshop includes the Master Teacher Manual, Certificate and Practice Cassette Tape. Although the fee may vary to cover these costs, Kwan Yin suggests that the cost be kept at a reasonable rate to make it available to everyone.

(Above text approved by Gisele King and Katherine Anderson, founders of Magnified Healing.)


Session Fee: $60.00 U.S.




Copyright2025 The Light Expansin Center. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of any content of this webpage is prohibited. The material in these pages may not be photocopied, published, blogged, rewritten or redistributed.

The information in these pages is provided for educational purposes, and sessions are not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment obtained through a physician or other licensed health care provider.
