We are Melora,
and we wish you to know that there are many Ascension agendas.
There is the agenda of the 4th-dimensional Pleiadians, who work
largely from the focus of manipulating those in the dimension
"below." There is more advancement in the 5th-dimensional
Pleiadians, so the agenda is different. Remember that the lower
octave of 4th dimension is the "hangout" of misguided
discarnates, poltergeists, negative ETs and others who are inappropriately
absorbed in 3rd dimension. Since each dimension is most responsive
to the one "above" it, many in 3rd dimension may be
influenced by these entities. The higher octave of 4th dimension
brings you Christ Consciousness. The Greys cannot get to this
higher octave because they have no emotional bodies.
You have the Zeta
Reticulans, who don't have much more of an emotional body than
the Greys but who have more of an understanding of not violating
free will than the Greys do. Then you have the ones from Sirius,
the ones from Orion, and the "dark" ones and the "light"
ones, and the ones balanced between light and dark. Then you
have an infinity of impressions and associations at this time
being beamed at you from ships in a number of dimensions
higher than 3rd.
Much as in the
Pleiadian battle, there are those from Orion who are "good"
and "bad." The inhabitants of the several stars in
the Belt of Orion are light years away from each other in terms
of their consciousness . . . they are of a different persuasion.
In information received through various channelings many stereotypes
exist. It is much like what you experience as racism in your
plane of existence. It is like saying, "you are of such-and-such
a star in the Orion system and, therefore, automatically you
are coming in and violating people's free will. The Orions are
well-established on Earth, but.again, remember that Earth is
a free-will zone, and until your consciousness is awakened you
are virtually puppets of whatever forces come in to control you.
Regarding the omissions
in information from such beings the question arises: "Isn't
not giving someone the whole truth an interference with
free will?" The answer is NO. It is not interference with
free will because you, as a conscious being, still make a conscious
choice whether to buy into it. For example, you can get so invested
in believing what you're reading in a particular book that you
make yourself vulnerable to coercion from such beings. This is
what, shall we say, beings of a "less-savory" intent
count on. It is important to understand that when you focus
on these forces you call to them. For your own protection,
we wish you not to set up consciousness bridges with them.
Even "the
Law of One," mentioned by The Ra Group (as though they
originated the idea), is simply the law of God, the most
highly evolved being in the Oneness of all His--or Her, as you
will--expressions. (There really is no gender involved.) The
Law of One is simply non-duality, and the various messengers
of Light, as with any other "fanatic" impulse, are
trying to push their particular orthodoxy. The Law of One really
has little or nothing to do with free will essentially, although
that is one of the issues that separate perception of
what is "of the Light" and what isn't. These repesent
a narrow view of a much larger Universal concept--the Highest
Truth, the All That Is, or The One.
The Law of One
is not owned by any particular galactic group, you see. There
are just what you would term "ancient" rivalries. We
would merely call them ongoing and deeply entrenched Intergalactic
sectarian factions, each believing that it has the only
Law of One--that it is the only true intepeter of the
Law of One. If this sounds to you like religion, we agee.
That various factions may still be in duality consciousness results
from beings who become out of touch with the reasons why they
do what they do or why they believe what they believe. You see,
this also happens on higher spiritual levels. How can this be?
Points of view can exist energetically--without the presence
of a brain--and so in spiritual evolution energetic vibration
and frequency take on the color of meanings. In the physical
body you would call them your illusion of experience, your illusion
of believing that you believe something because you have experienced
If you have ever
needed to blow your referee's whistle and say, "Time out!"
you are not alone in this impulse. You perhaps have stopped swinging
from one end of the pendulum to another and have come back into
your own inner guidance and said, "Well, wait a minute.
This does not resonate with me . . . period." What we're
finding is that there is a lot of pressure among people's friends
who are also interested in these subjects to believe what they
believe. A lot of unreasonable levels of pressure make people
feel uneasy about going to their own guidance. We are saying
that now it is even more critical than ever to listen to your
own inner guidance and to follow that.
We wish you great
joy of the light!