Following is information
Melora has given us regarding the Great Beings who are supporting
our workshop in Sedona, AZ - July 11-12, 1998. For more information
on the workshop itself, please go back to the main web page and
click on the desert scene graphic (or on the text above it).
We're being asked NOT
to focus on the names
of The Council of 12, because they do not wish to be interpreted
as a static group; rather, they flow in and out of "membership,"
as their consciousness of their roles shifts in service to the
light. Melora and St. Germain promise that ALL will "go
up" several levels in their own ascension during the weekend
intensive. According to Melora, "It is about how each attendee,
with her or his unique gifts, will change colors and develop
more, even after the workshop." -- Joanna Neff
through Jyoti Alla-An (6/15/98) :
The Council of 12--as it
is comprised for this workshop--is not a static council. The
12 represent higher expressions of all those who will come to
the workshop. So the Council of 12 could be considered to be
the "great-great-great-great- great-great-great-great-great-great
grandparents." Do you see? [laughs] . . . some incarnate
at one time . . . some who still have incarnate expressions.
So you can see what our Jyoti is understanding as the magnitude
of the work being done.
One of the important messages
that we wish to give people is: YOU are related to one or more
of "Lady Masters of Karma" in your soul lineage. The
other part of the message that we want to give is that, just
as each of the 12 Lady Masters of Karma has a specialty that
is recognizable, so do individuals in the composite of those
attending the workshop. Together, as a group, there's a beautiful
wholeness. And so a major part of our message is: "Do you
understand that honoring your own uniqueness is critical. It
is not anti-spiritual. Having everybody act the same, having
everybody conform to some notion of what they think is spiritual
behavior, is ruining the composite. And this is why our Jyoti
understands how critical it is to get the information out about
the members who wish to be named. (There are those who wish NOT
to be named.) People attending need to understand that, together,
these energies as expressed as The Lady Nada, and so forth, create
a whole "spiritual" gestalt in their Oneness--as the
workshop group will.
This is the way people
would interact and flow if there were no fear, if there were
no greed (which is a kind of fear that there's not enough of
something, you see). If people were all-embracing, they would
continually have The Renaissance, Classical Greek Utopia, etc.
Artists and the arts were honored, uniqueness was honored, and
so forth. If people could not only allow but also tolerate each
other's uniqueness within the One, their lives would be so much
more enriched and they would have a sense of how important each
person is to the well-being of All. That has been lost, especially
in your modern society. There's been a great reduction of the
number of different things that you are allowed to be, has there
This is, again, one of our
messages for the workshop: Yes, you can be unique. Yes, you can
also be in harmonious oneness, and isn't that wonderful? But
you can do that successfully only if you are reacting in the
NOW, which is the only way that you can ever act appropriately.
If you get ahead of yourself or behind yourself, you can never
be appropriate in the NOW. There are so few living in the NOW
moment that there are very few being appropriate at any given
time, in any given situation.
If one can be totally conscious
in each NOW perception, then one becomes self-realized; one becomes
enlightened. It is total awareness of Oneness with all AND of
one's special, unique contribution to that Oneness because one
is able to see everything in totality and still see one's own
role within that wonderful vibration of wholeness. And this is
what the 12 represent in their beautiful balance.
This is the most difficult
part for us, and we will tell you why. So much of the information
that we share through our Jyoti is made possible by a synthesis
of what she has in her "data banks" and what we receive
energetically about that information. We interpret that and feed
it back through her in the channeling process. We have often
said that we are not "psychic." What we mean by this
is that it is not our forte to know what people have written
anywhere in history about Portia, for example. Unless our Jyoti
has read it--unless we have some energetic information that is
to the contrary or that confirms what she has read, our information
is going to be purely energetic. We have said that we know "Portia"
by a higher name as she serves on The Council of 12.
Most associations with these
beings have to do with their Earthly expressions or information
that has come through and that applies to a specific situation
or person. For example: information about The Lady Nada would
come through a specific channel, and it would relate to that
channel's client and would be interpreted in ways that would
be comfortable for the consciousness of that client OR that channel.
Therefore, the interpretation would be limited. Through different
channels you would be getting various representations of these
energies/beings. Human beings have a need to categorize things:
"Ah. This is the Lady Nada. This is what she's in charge
of and this is what she looks like." This is her "one"
quality, and that's it!
What we will endeavor to
do is to call forth the energies that we are calling The Council
of 12. We're asking The Lady Nada, for example, to individuate,
and we will read her energy and tell you about that energy. This
is difficult for us, because we're re-defining, reinterpreting,
just by pure energy, and trying to correlate that with what is
already thought about each of these Great Beings. And this is
the first time we will have attempted this, so our Jyoti is now
immediately asking for us to increase the strength of our connection
manifold. And our Jyoti has asked us to focus this on the role
of each in the workshop.
- DNA decoding
and Energy Clearance (feminine counterpart of Uriel)
ATHENA - Truth & Wisdom (Also
see 2-part article on Athena)
ISIS - Resurrection
& RE-Creation (but
known on the Council by her higher name as an expression at the
Melchizedek level)
MARY - Enfolding/Enveloping
Retrieval & Multi-Incarnational Merging (but known on the Council by her higher
NADA- Creation/Dissolution
PORTIA - Justice/Righteousness: The Spirit--not
the Letter--of Spiritual Laws (but known on the Council by
her higher name)
YIN - Grace,Compassion & Mercy
In closing, we would like
to say that not all are at the "level" of the beings
that we have described. This doesn't matter. We would like to
say that there are those that are almost like workshop helpers,
so you have the primary coordinators. At the level here you have
Jyoti, Gude and Teresa coordinating the workshop. Each coordinator
is contributing her particular gifts to getting this ready. Then
there will be those who will just be responsible for the music
for one day--making sure that it's cued in and played at the
right moments. There will be someone standing at the registration
All of this sort of thing
is necessary in higher realms as well. So, some of the members
of the Council of 12 are effectively helping coordinate. You
have the caterer; you have the person who sounds a bell a couple
of times, etc. And these other members of The Council of 12 are
also in the same lineages. They are also of the same energetic
qualities of those they serve, who are also serving in the light.
There are resonances there that are very comfortable and harmonious
among all 12. And, say you were in the presence of one who is
sounding that bell. You would still feel an enormous rush of
energy because you're dealing with very high beings. There are
several angels involved, you see, and we would like to say that
those would be examples of what we mean by not an archangel,
not Isis, but, nonetheless, angelic helpers.
Wishing you great Joy of
the Light, we are Melora.