clients in 47 American states and in 57 other countries, Joanna
Neff has been doing energy healing for more than 30 years. Author
of Soul
Retrieval: Return to Wholeness, Joanna is a developed
channel of angels and other Higher- Dimensional Beings of the
Light, who do these healings through her. Because there
are no Time or Space barriers to these Great Beings, the healings
are swift, powerful and elegant!
work is done remotely (from a distance). There is no need to
have an in-person session or a phone session.
it is necessary to heal not just physically but on many other
levels, Joanna
offers a variety of healing modalities focused on specific, critical
aspects and conditions that need healing for all of us. These
modalities complement one another. They not only bring healing
but also move clients forward in their consciousness. Each powerful healing modality
is of great benefit!
FeeS are based on the complexity of healing protocols and/OR
the time a session takes.
Once a session is scheduled, only in very
rare occasions do I refund a payment. If, for some unforeseen
reason, I need to delay completion of your session, I will attend
to it as soon as possible and email the results to you.
order to do these healings and clearings, Joanna requires only
minimal details about the client. The reason for this is that
Joanna also works with a client's Higher Self, who knows what
is going on with the client across lifetimes.
One accesses
other lifetimes of oneself THROUGH the Higher Self. Since
getting permission of a client's Higher Self is the first imperative,
no work of the Light can proceed without it. (This is about honoring
the free-will permission of all Beings, and this is what separates
those of the Light from those of the dark.)
are NO Time or Space barriers where healing is concerned. These days,
people don't give wireless communications a second-thought. Digital
information is downloaded wirelessly, and communications are
conducted wirelessly. With fiber optics, your voice goes into
the phone, is translated to light, and comes out again as sound
on the other end.
it is with healing energy,
which can be "transmitted" through an adept practitioner
to the client via spiritually guided energy work.
Most Pervasive Healing Happens . . . When You Find the Root Cause
times, major afflictions in the current lifetime are a result
of negative karma from previous lifetimes--or from negative "programming"
that keeps compounding in its harmful effects over lifetimes.
In these cases, it is not just the "symptoms" that
are addressed; it is also the origin(s) of those symptoms that
are explored and cleared.
In requesting healing,
want only their physical afflictions to be healed. However,
in order for healing to be effective, all levels--physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual--must be addressed. (An example
of the need for spiritual healing is the profound sense
of separation from the Divine that so many feel.)
the intense "reorganization," amplification, adjustments,
etc., of these healings/clearings can rock the ego/personality's
world. Since the ego's job is to assure survival in third dimension--and
since the ego has no tools to deal with spiritual matters--areas
of resistance to change (healing) might appear as temporary "upheavals"
after a session has been done.
healing facilitator of integrity should ever promise to "fix"
all a client's problems in one session. (And no client with any
self-awareness expects this.) "Instant healing" of
everything simply is not possible because of the great
complexity of factors involved: negative karma across lifetimes, transgenerational
imprints (genetic core inheritance), and current-life habitually
negative thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
the dynamic interaction of life issues between
embodiments, literally: When you change something in the current
lifetime it affects all your other lifetimes. By the same token,
if you have afflictions in other lifetimes, these usually are
also having harmful effects on you in the current lifetime.
Because in virtually all sessions I work with clients
across lifetimes, it has become apparent that in many, or most,
cases of mental illness, very negative karma is involved.
As with all such karma, the individual must learn her/his
karmic lessons in order to be relieved of that karma.
much can be cleared and healed in that person's behalf, those
heavy karmic lessons still must be learned by the client. No work
of the Light violates Soul intention.
Specifically with
schizophrenia--and in many cases of autism--the
person can be cleared of negative entities, for example, but
s/he does not remain clear for long. The reason: the person does
not have the conscious ability to have honest, clear self-awareness,
and self-awareness
is prerequisite to conscious growth and change.