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Just wanted to give you wonderful news. Shortly after your clearing session on our house earlier this week we had a home showing that resulted in a full asking price offer. Home is sold! We are truly grateful for all that you do for [our] family. Thanks for playing a role in our big shift to a better life, that is truly a reflection of our joy and excitement. [The client's wife] and I realize how blessed we are to know people like you and to be able to make our dreams become a reality. Big hugs and lots of love to you!!! -- M.E.. (Rockton, IL)

A few years ago you recommended clearing the hospital where my wife works. She has had virtually no issues with other employees since you cleared it, and while she has a hard a job (she is an orthopedic RN), things have been MUCH easier for her since you cleared it. We truly thank you for what you do. -- T.G. (Richmond, Virginia)

I totally forgot you were doing this. We had an offer on our house accepted 2 or 3 hours ago! Coincidence.....nope:) - K.B. (Cloverdale, CA)

Wow again! We were out when you did this and I felt an immediate difference when we got back and thought the effects of the clearance are already at work. You are so spot on about the porn thing…it's a huge portal for all kinds of things and that's what people don't understand. They think it is their "choice" to do it but it's just not true. Minds and spirits and even bodies can be taken over in an instant. In many ways, I think porn is worse than heroin addiction, etc because it's often "defended" as being just a "normal thing every guy does." So I'm happy to hear at least a great deal has been cleared, though I know it will build up again. Thanks again for your powerful work. I deeply appreciate what you do. -- S.C.. (Austin, TX)

Thank you so much for your incredible work! The energy at my house is light and completely changed. Last night, for the first time ever, my 15-year-old son, partner and house guest & I were out in the driveway playing basketball at the regulation-size hoop. (In 15 years that hoop hadn't been used!) We were laughing and having a great time. The house and land feel lighter and clearer every day since your clearance. Things seem to be returning to a glorious, normal base that has not yet been explored. It feels to me as though the process is ongoing. Fascinating working with you! -- K.A.. (Nederland, CO)

Wow, ok well you have made believers out of us! it's been a few days and the energy in us and this house is completely different! And thanks so much for clearing the hospital; the results were not surprising at all, based on your previous work. -- T&KG. (Richmond, VA)

[After I had completed this home/property clearance, I wrote the following to this client: "When I saw the unprecedented numbers of Earthbound Spirits afflicting the building, land and property, I inquired of my spiritual "entourage" whether any of these resulted from the 9/11 destruction of the Twin Towers. All did. I remember that the late sister (also a Brooklyn resident) of my long-time Colorado friend, and who was psychic and who saw "dead people", said that after the 9/11 disaster there were so many "fly-bys" of the dead that she had to tell them to leave her alone! I believe that it's no coincidence that your session has occurred on 9/11."] The client's answer: Thank you, thank you, thank you for your amazing work Joanna!! I felt a resonance with much that you said, and I too believe that there is no coincidence in the date of our session. I felt in advance that it was a very special day. I do know that everything happens for a reason, and I am so grateful for your services. You are helping so many people. Thank you again Joanna!! Many thanks and blessings. -- K.O. (Brooklyn, NY)

. . . when I got home after the home/property clearance was done , I felt the difference in our property, the backyard and inside the house. The house feels brighter and spacious. I was never comfortable walking in the dark. I also see the difference with my son . . . . [The client's husband] seems to have calmed down as well and getting calls for work. Thank you for your help. -- J.C. (Yonkers, NY)

There is definitely a lightness and more stability since the work you did on this property. It continues to adjust to its new frequency and we are loving it! Thanks again for the amazing work you do. -- S.C. (Scottsdale, Arizona)

The blessing on our new house has helped immensely. We have had family visit since day 3 of moving in, the cats can go outside here and Surya is most happy and king of the domain so the urinary tract infection seems healed. The Tm organization had us participate in giving a lecture and 14 signed up with more asking every day. Previously one would sign up or just one. It is having the flexibility with scheduling due to the home that allows this. We start using the house tonight. [And, after a Home/Property Clearance for the client's rental propety]: oh, We also can sweetly report that the house for which you did the clearing has rented to a lovely couple. That went so smoothly. They even offered to do touch up painting, and repairs as needed so it sounds as if they see the home as a place they love! Hooray! -- T.O. (Columbia, MD)

Thank you Joanna! You do beautiful work:) we can feel the difference! -- L.R. (Summit, NJ)

I would like to send you a big thank you for helping me so much. I feel so much happier in life now. Everything has changed for the better :) --L.T. (County Wexford, IRELAND)

Wow Joanna. Thank you and Melora and all the light beings that helped clear this property. The energy in our place feels lighter already. Thank you for all that you do and many blessings to you for all that you offer. Thank you for all your bravery, tenacity and elegance in the work that you do. With immense love, light and gratitude, [the client , her children] & all the children & their families that reside in this building. -- R.D. (Cary, NC)

I went to the house last evening before the sun had gone down. There was a rainbow red sky in the distance that made me think of that light you have called in to surround my home. It was lovely. When I went inside it smelled like chocolate instead of the smoke/Hydrogen Peroxide-Ozone treatment and paint I have been trying to clear out. I realized a few things of theirs still need to be moved out and I called an electrician to remove them - three chandeliers that have their feelings and smoke on them. I hope he will answer me and come remove them soon. Regardless, thank you for the work on my home. Love the chocolate! -- C.A. (Milwaukie, OR)

Just to let you know that the property clearance was amazing and I’m sure it has had an effect on the surrounding flats too. The police asked our voluntary site representative recently “ what’s happening at your place?” and when John replied “why” he said “well, it’s very quiet, we haven’t been called out for ages!”!
Is it possible for you to ‘clear’ larger places and not just single properties? Or is that too big a job? Newark has very bad energy probably because of things like the Civil War where a lot of people died and the rivers ran red with blood.
-- F.K. (Newark, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom)
[I responded to the client that, indeed, when clients live in an apartment, I clear the entire building, land and property--not just a single apartment--and that I clear much larger areas, including entire cemetaries. For a client in Athens, Greece, I once cleared a 10-mile radius, centered on the Parthenon!.]

Thank you again Joanna! I so much enjoy your work and immediately felt the shift in my home and building. I've followed up with my dad so far. And he's expressed how much calmer and relaxed he feels and how he is now sleeping better and throughout the night. -- R.M. (Chicago, IL)

I'm somewhat embarrassed that I've let this amount of time pass before thanking you for your last efforts with me, my children and my house. My house is so "smooth" now - it's like a huge amount of static is gone and so much easier to work in. -- S.K. (Sacramento, CA)

As always, I am thankful and humbled by your work. You never cease to amaze. -- D.S. (Brooklyn, NY)

[After I had completed this home/property clearance, I wrote the following to this client: "Whew! There was a lot of ugly stuff in that line of houses! AND on the land/property and adajent streets and roads. Because of how many centuries' history are represented there, you wouldn't know how many people were killed, etc., on the land on which these houses are built."] The client's answer: Thanks for your work - yes, I recently found out they have discovered Saxon artifacts such as swords and shield bosses, and of course bones, in local gardens! Certainly there can't be enough of this work done across the planet, until all the old, heavy energy is released. -- D.N. (Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom)

Thanks so much for this work! It used to be that when you went upstairs, about the 8th or 9th stair you would walk into cold air. Then there would be pockets of cold air in our loft and the babies' room.
We could never keep the babies room a normal temperature. I would laugh and say that my house was the only house where heat did not actually RISE. The downstairs would be warm but you would have to crank up the heat to get any warmth UPSTAIRS. Also my baby never slept more than 3 hours straight. EVER. I assumed it was because she is nursing and was processing her milk really fast and getting hungry.

Since the clearing the upstairs is warmer than the downstairs and the babies' room is as warm as the other rooms. The baby sleeps through the night and has been taking long naps. This child sleeps like it is her job! Several times I have gone flying into her room to make sure she is still breathing because it has been 6 hours since she made a peep!

The other result is our turtle (Skipperdee) was always in a corner. He is from Africa and we assumed he was cold or hibernating. He is suddenly the world's happiest turtle. He runs around his habitat following you with his head until you take him out and let him run around. Then he spends the day in his water looking very pleased with himself.
The rest of us have more peace as well. We now have a house that works with us not against us. It sort of creeps me out now to realize what that cold actually WAS in our house!

I have referred four other people to you, who have watched what we have gone through and the difference you made. Thanks so much for this work!
-- R.T. (Castlerock, CO)

Wow, the house feels much different! It's got such a nice peaceful quality about it, for sure. It's quite lovely, excellent job. Thank you very much! -- D.O. (Ultrera, SPAIN)

Many thanks for my Home/Property clearance today. It still amazes me how noticeable the difference is after the home clearing. You can actually feel it in the air! I greatly appreciate all you've done for my family and I this past year and look forward to working with you in the upcoming year :) -- M.E. (Rockton, IL)

It seems you had a lot of work to do....It is wonderful to walk through the house in a completely new light. I can breath again and feel a load off of my shoulders.. I woke this morning feeling warm and protected and at peace. I don't remember ever having felt like this. I am excited and curious as to how things are going to develop!!! So very many thanks and blessings to you, I feel so moved. -- N.G. (Wals, Austria)

We went to visit [the client's mother at her nursing home] this morning and the ambient feeling of the place was MUCH improved, without the deep, dragging down feeling that we got so often before. it actually felt kinda, well, sweet! -- J.H. (Fairfield, IA)

Thank you very much for your help with entity clearance for my wife . . . and property clearance for our home. Our home does feel lighter, and my wife seems much more like her old, loving self again. It was interesting that the property clearance found several entities in our puja room. Both my wife and I noticed a somewhat creepy feeling in that room when we first moved in 3 months ago. We had assumed that the positive energy from our prayers would be enough to gradually transform it, but it appears as that was not the case. -- S.S. (Beachwood, OH)

Thank you for the tremendous work you have done for me and my family. I'm still in awe of how different my place looks, feels, and sounds! -- D.M. (Belle Chasse, LA)

A couple months ago you did a property clearance for me for my new apartment. I have been enjoying living at my new home and I find the energy here great and I want to thank you for your help. -- B.P. (Vancouver, BC, Canada)

Thank you very much for your work on my summer house and for the worksheet. I so much appreciate your work and your personal possibilities! At my home address in Vienna there has grown up a very peaceful and agreeable atmosphere now since your session. I don´t have anymore the feeling of losing energy staying in the flat and actually feel good. And it´s impressive how much you´ve found in Kritzendorf. I can understand now why it always was so tiring for me to be there although it´s a lovely place. Thanks to you. -- C.D. (Vienna, Austria)

After the building/property clearance the noise in the building is less for the last few days. This is the first time we experienced a peaceful night. Before the clearance, the whole building was active during the night, things like Lifts going up and down without anybody in the lift and heavy foot steps leading to nowhere. Now it is all gone. -- P.A. (Melbourne, Australia)

Many thanks for the clearing. Previously in my house, when I sat alone reading or relaxing, I used to have a spooky feeling of something or someone was in my house/watching from behind, something moving etc... However, this feeling has disappeared since you did the property clearance for me. -- S.M. (Muaither, Qatar)

I am soooooooooooo glad you exist. . . . When I went home on Tuesday and turned into my street, I suddenly “saw” this area of immense bright light, like a circle, surrounded by real darkness and my home was in the middle of it. I can imagine that it made a lot of difference to clear up areas after an event such as Katrina, wow! -- R.H. (London, United Kingdom)

Many thanks from my heart. For me it seems as if I have been looking through a window that was dirty before, and now it is clean - there is more brightness in the house. Also it seems to me as if I am on a mountain now. I have the impression I breathe mountain air. Is this higher energy I can feel ? -- K.J. (Korneuburg, Austria)

Today I met my friend (Where you made the house clearance - session this week). They are so happy now with the house and thank you so much !! Exaktly in this time, when you made the session, [the client] and I was setting in her garden with our men, drinking a cup of wine - and from one moment to the other, we stood up and started to take out weeds from the garden (There were so many weeds....). We could not stop and with much energy we took everything out. Everybody was looking at us like we are two crazy woman , -doing this in this moment - in the evening. We felt very good when we finished.
And in the next morning, when
[the client] awaked (She almost did not know that you did the session..) she started to sing and to dance in the house - she felt so good and free - and did not know why. She told me that she feels that she has so much space in the house today..... ...then I told her about the email from you ... - and she understood WHY there is so much space !!! Thank you so much , Joanna !! -- U.S. (Graz, Austria)


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