Session "PARAMETERS" (the focus of your session)
Melora emphasizes that "fortune telling is not higher work." It predisposes people to single outcomes, causing them to ignore "an infinity of other choices." Above all, Melora respects people's free-will choices, and she always seeks to help empower clients, rather than encouraging their dependence on her.

However, Melora does tell clients how much energy is supporting certain situations and people, etc. In that way, Melora helps guide clients toward what is more beneficial for them. For example:

One client asked Melora whether [the client] should take a job in California or in Georgia. Melora stated that there was a lot of energy supporting a move to California but that the client hadn't mentioned any other states besides Georgia . . . and so there might be more energy around the client's career move to a state besides California.

Another client asked Melora whether [the client] should "dump" her boyfriend, who was abusive. Melora responded with a question: "Why have you been with someone who abuses you?" The session progressed to Melora's helping the client become aware of her own self-punishment programs. Then Melora worked with specific past-life embodiments of the client to resolve karmic issues.

All Melora sessions focus on raising consciousness, for as Melora has often said: "Consciousness is all. What you are not conscious of is virtually useless to you." In her sessions, Melora helps clients remove obstacles to higher understanding--and energetically to resolve what stands in the way of healing and wholeness.

TO SCHEDULE A SESSION, contact Joanna Neff: <>

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The information in these pages is provided for educational purposes, and sessions are not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment obtained through a physician or other licensed health care provider.
