[MELORA through Joanna Neff: in a session with R.B.]
channeling is related to the "Dark"
Entities piece
by Melora. I hope that including this information is not unseemly.
Indeed, it is my feeling that including this will be helpful
to people who don't usually receive such help in understanding
what happens at the soul level to someone who commits suicide. --Joanna Neff
We are Melora, and we would
like to discuss the difference in the impact on the soul when
a suicide is by ones own hand and own free will vs. suicide
that has happened because dark entities in that person have driven
the person to do it. As you know, oftentimes destruction to the
body is something that these entities seem to enjoy doing
as they feed on fear and are actually nurtured by torturing a
person at the soul level as well as at the physical level.
The subject came up because
our [Joanna], as she may have told you, has recently been thinking
about her friend Jaine. Certain people in the street will remind
[Joanna] of Jaine, and so forth. We would like to explain this
first, before we move to the other question. Jaines energy
consciousness, as we would put it, is focused here at this time
because of the various portals of consciousness and the various
portals of light bearing that consciousness back and forth
between "places." Back and forth in time and space
- back and forth in no-time, no space. And so it is not as though
Jaines consciousness is in the astral plane, looking back
and haunting somebody.
Our [Joanna], being an Energy
Sensitive to begin with, being a channel and also caring about
Jaine from Jaines life here, is very sensitive to those
energy signatures that we describe as being Jaine Peters. The
number one concern that our [Joanna] and others have about Jaine
Peters is, of course, her soul well-being and what caused this
horrible suicide (setting herself on fire). They still wonder
why she did it and what effects this might have had on Jaine
at the soul level. Having worked with her after her death, you
[R.B.] understand what she was facing at that time.
As we recall, she was under
attack by five archdemonic realms and, indeed, they drove her
(flying on the coattails of her own shame, her self-destructiveness
as a result of that shame). They "rode those coattails,"
as you use the expression through and pushed her into the suicide.
Now, as you know (having worked with these elements and energies),
they at some point become virtually indistinguishable from the
persons personality in terms of how the person relates
to herself, and in terms of how those who know that person receive
that person.
This is thorough entrenchment
of a person by these entities. It has happened gradually, over
time: greater and greater power exerted by the entities, greater
and greater entrenchment. To those around them, and to the person
herself, this is still that same person who has somehow "changed"
over time. It really has been almost like an accumulating poison
or an accumulating toxicity, in which at the beginning it wouldnt
harm you. However, the accumulation over time then becomes deadly
to you. On the energetic level it is much like this analogy.
speak of it as amplification, and it increases.
Yes, and accumulation,
so it is as with arsenic given in small doses and then in greater
and greater doses, and so forth. It finally kills a person.
This is important to know
because there is so much judgment about suicide. This is mostly
because of religions. You can see how, coming down through history
from ages of tribal living, there would be a taboo against suicide
as murdering someone - yourself. That is a sort of common-sense,
bottom-line kind of understanding of suicide: You are taking
a life, and that is not okay karmically.
Part of why we wish to discuss
this is that there is so much judgment, guilt and fear among
those who are "survivors" of the one who commits suicide,
who remain living after that person has died. There is the prevailing
belief that suicide impinges on the soul progress of the person
after that persons death. Beings of the light ask you not
to hold people here by continuing to grieve for years and years,
and to remember that grief is about you- not about them. We remind
you that sometimes you can hold a persons spirit here by
your not being able to let them go.
By the same token, the fears
and guilt and shame surrounding the suicide and those who remain
alive after, also holds them here. It creates karma. In having
this discussion, were hoping that we are able to disseminate
this information and have people realize that when someone commits
suicide, generically it is harmful to them at the soul level
for you to keep asking "Why?" It is harmful because
youre essentially saying, "Dont go yet because
I need to know why you did this." Youre holding on
to them energetically and youre holding on to them karmically
in this lifetime as well as in other lifetimes in which you have
worked with them.
In holding them, you create
almost a suspension of energy in consciousness so that the person
cannot move on. Thus, theres a double role here. It is
just as harmful to the soul for people to be continuously asking,
"Why did she do this?" as it is harmful to be judging
them for the suicide itself according to some religious belief.
It is just as harmful as that suicide itself is to that soul.
Therefore, all are contributing to holding the soul back from
its evolution and from its travels forward in its education.
Thats the generic suicide were talking about, and
we dont mean this flippantly, of course. We mean the person
who, our of her own consciousness, killed herself of her own
free will.
Now, yes, it is true (and
we have said this in our discussion of "dark" entities)
that there is a choice all along the way. People choose
to be in a state of self-abuse, whether its negative thought
forms, repetitive negativity about the self, feeling down on
the self, feeling less than or unworthy. By the way, these are
typical of those who choose to come into incarnation and have
difficult early childhood lives so that they can evolve spiritually
and not be "distracted" by totally blissful lives in
which why should they do "spiritual" things because
life is so enjoyable that they wouldnt go in that spiritual
Many have chosen that route,
but not all are strong enough to overcome what they chose to
keep them from forgetting, in incarnation, what their missions
are here. Yes, there is that part of the participation that is
free will. If the person keeps going in that direction, then
negative entities do have that portal in. In Jaines case,
there were drugs involved. [passages omitted] Because she didnt
have the strength or sense of self-respect that would have been
required to avoid these, they contributed greatly to the final
act of self-annihilation that was really a result of the entity
If there are negative entities,
other misqualified energies or entity possessions that cause
the suicide, when the soul leaves the body and goes through transition,
that part of the influence drops away. This is why entities are
so obsessing about using bodies in 3rd dimension: Once the persons
soul has left the body in transition, there is a dropping away
of those entities ability to follow that soul - except
where the person still doesnt come to consciousness at
that point of "Oh. This is what happened.. I would
do that differently next time." Do you see? If the soul
consciousness at that point does not recognize its own responsibility
in what happened, does not re-remember if you will, what it had
chosen to accomplish vs. what really happened - and stays in
denial - thats where the negative-entity karmic attachments
travel through successive lifetimes.
Thats where you say,
"Oh. These specific dark entities are also the same ones
that were attached to the person in his or her life in Medieval
England" or however many other lives. With Jaine, as an
example, Jaine knew a lot consciously. She had a lot of soul
consciousness of what youre calling New Age/Old Wisdom.
It was the personality level of Jaine through which she filtered
her perception of her reality in the body. Indeed, all problems,
all suffering, comes from this source. You call it ego; we call
it the intersection of ego/intellect/personality in combination.
The personality element is important because this involves what
one feels about oneself.
When the ego, negative ego,
intellect and personality are fused, which they so often are
in those who are victims of abuse in childhood, there is the
potential for this self-perception that is very negative and
self-punitive. These aspects become fused over repetitive time
in the persons surviving. That pattern appears to protect
the person from pain. It appears to protect the person from the
feeling of shame. People use all kinds of other emotions to keep
from feeling shame, because it is the worst, the ickiest of all.
When the ego, negative ego,
intellect and personality are fused, that is the greatest impediment
to the evolution of consciousness. At the same time, at the soul
level, whatever consciousness exists about spiritual matters,
this consciousness is allowed to filter-in, is glimpsed and recorded
at the soul level.. Thus, as with Jaine, those who are driven
to suicide by negative entities and by the fusion of the personality/intellect/ego)
at the point of death, when that spark of soul consciousness
returns as the soul leaves the body, that is the moment of truth.
That is when Jaine effectively
said, "Oh. Now I understand." However, this is not
common. For others, at this moment what would happen is that
they have no clue whatsoever. The result is denial of death and
hanging out in the astral plane - not going to the light right
That is our main message
about suicides We do have a little bit more about the dark entities
themselves and whats going on in the background, is it
were: At that point at which that person commits suicide, the
negative entities no longer have control over the body. Thus,
there is no point in their sticking around.
RB: They
no longer have a source on which to feed.
Yes, and were talking
about Jaine because, obviously, this is the last residue of healing
that our [Joanna] needs on this subject and because we perceive
that it would be helpful to others, as well, to know this. Jaine
is a very good example of this case in which a person is driven
by demonic forces. This has "haunted" our [Joanna]
for awhile in terms of Jaines "future," if you
As with Jaine, at that moment
when the soul leaves the body, the negative discarnate entities
say, "Oh, well. Nuts! Now we have to look for somebody else."
As with Jaine, the person says, "Now I see" - and they
have that instant remembrance from the soul level of the spiritual
values that impelled them to come into physical incarnation
to express and to learn certain things - when they see that,
then those entities are out of there so fast you cant believe
it. Whoosh! Theyre gone, for those two reasons: the persons
conscious understanding and the fact that they then need someone
else to feed on.
That moment of truth - and
not the suicide - is the important and indelible, if you will,
impression on the soul. Now, if the person does not come to that
soul remembrance at that moment, their soul is impacted gravely
by the suicide, whether driven by dark entities or by their own
hand. You may infer from this that what were saying about
Jaine is that she successfully entered that moment of truth.
She successfully remembered consciously, energetically, at the
soul level what it was all about and where she "made her
mistakes." Therefore, her soul was not impinged by the suicide.
Now, when you were doing
the examination, you did help her, because it is not like a moment
of "time" as you know it. It is an energetic intersection
- an inter-dimensional consciousness energetic intersection.
As you say, "All souls must attend their own memorials."
RB: Yes.
There was a period of time
in which for you it was "time" but for Jaine it was
not What we are calling "that moment" of Jaines
consciousness in which she understood it all, for you, and for
our [Joanna], that "time" was weeks. Therefore, it
doesnt matter when you did the exam. Understand
that this is why prayers for people who have passed on are so
critical. Your work with her, our [Joanna]s work with her,
various shamans work with her, and the prayers of so many
other people, allowed her in that moment to escape the karma
of what could have been. Your work and prayers allowed her in
that moment to come to soul consciousness. Do you see? She did
not do that alone.
RB: Thats
where we help one another..
Absolutely. As you are brilliant
enough to realize, we have given you several messages about that
process, and we thank you for helping us get this on tape. We
perceive that it will benefit many.
RB: Would
it have helped, had [Jaine] had IntraSound* [see channeling excerpts
on IntraSound] powder or gel at that time to raise her vibration
above what the entities were bringing in?
Yes. This and a number of
other things that would not have been her choice at the time..
We are hearing that, even if it had been available to her, she
probably would not have availed herself of it . There were elements
of her personality that contributed directly to this downward
spiral that she entered.
Remember that our [Joanna]
had initiated Jaine into levels I and II Reiki, and these initiations
also helped her at the soul level because they are portals to
enlightenment as well as imparting the ability to use Reiki.
These sparks of God-consciouness that went out of the body when
Jaines soul left her body contributed to her successful
passage into the light. 
More on #Suicide