Within the past year while
doing my work of soul clearance (negative-entity removal) I began
clearly to see an alarming pattern among my clients: Dark-entity
affliction due to viewing pornography and to associated sexual
is not a moral judgment! IT IS A SPIRITUAL MATTER: Along with
disconnection from the Higher Self is an inability to pull oneself
out of what has, in my opinion, become the most dangerous "addiction."
is not a harmless pastime, for the price--physically and spiritually--is
enormous: extensive damage to the aura, actual depletion
of vital life-force energy, and entity possession.
help classify the some-33 known dark entities/energies that can
afflict people when they view pornography, I created a chart.
Here it is in three .pdf (Adobe Acrobat) files:
PornEntities 1
Porn Entities 2
Porn Entities 3