Holographic Inserts / Programs (7) - Example: "debt enslavement"
mind control
Electronic Harrassment (11) - Examples:
mind control via electromagnetic frequencies (EMF)
and extra-low frequencies (ELF)
Artificial Intelligence Afflictions (6) - Examples: AI parasites and nanobots
Miasmas (5) - Example:
family of origin miasma
Walls of Separation (7) - Example:
Entrapment / Enslavement
These are just
a few of the programs implanted in our consciousness for the
purposes of mind control of the masses. These inserts are continuing
to be ramped-up by the Dark Forces that control our planetary
collective consciousness. Such constraints of our health and
well-being have been in place for quite some time.
the end of this session, and With the permission of the client's
High Self , I offer:
God-Sovereign-Free Blessings
Installation & activation of the Solomon Shield
Installation & activation of the 12-D Shield