With more
than 1,500 clients in 47 American states and in 57 countries
abroad, Joanna Neff has been doing energy healing for more almost
28 years. Author of Soul Retrieval: Return to Wholeness, first published
in 2003, Joanna is a developed channel of angels and other Higher-
Dimensional Beings of the Light, who do these healings through
her. She trained with three healing masters in Boulder, Colorado,
for 19 years to learn and practice the advanced healing and clearing
techniques offered in her many approaches to healing.
An experienced
editor, writer and college educator, Joanna began her development
as a channel in January 1994 when she took a channeling workshop
with Jonette Crowley. While Joanna was working with another channel,
she began to bring forth information from Melora. (Melora is
a personal guide who links Joanna with her Higher Self.)
In addition
to channeling, Joanna is a traditional Usui Reiki Teaching Master,
a Certified Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master, and Master Teacher of Magnified
Healing (from the Lady Master Quan Yin). Between conducting a
series of public channelings in 1995 and 1996, she published
The Light Expansion "Times," a tabloid-size
New Age publication. Out of the L.E.T. evolved a nonprofit
consortium of alternative healing facilitators called The Light
Expansion Center, which Joanna headed up in Boulder, Colorado.
Joanna created
the "Melora: Channelings for the New Millennium" website
in September 1997, when she also published in The Sedona Journal
of Emergence an article that has become Melora's signature
piece: "Soul Retrieval: The Return to Harmonic Resonance."
Other articles Joanna published in The Sedona Journal
include "Reincarnation as Multidimensional Expression"
(November 1997), "Soul Groups: Your Soul Niche" (February
1998) and "Etheric Body Crystals" (April 1998). Joanna
presented her Soul Retrieval workshop in Sedona, Arizona (July
10-12, 1998), and in Boulder, Colorado (October 24-25, 1998).
In the Fall
of 1994, Melora had performed soul retrieval for Joanna. Thus
began Joanna's and Melora's elegant collaboration in Higher-
Dimensional Soul Retrieval® and multi-incarnational merging.
Joanna currently
conducts a wide variety of
Healing sessions
from her home in Largo, Florida.