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Part IV

CHANNELING: Processes, Perks & Pitfalls

Melora through Joanna Neff AT LIGHTHOUSE BOOKSTORE IN SUPERIOR, Colorado, continued

"Archangel Michael" Pretender: Exposed

Again, when our Jyoti was living in South Boulder (she had been working with us for about two years), a friend of our Jyoti had this so-called "channel" in her home for an evening talk. A big group of people had gathered there to hear "Archangel Michael." Our Jyoti was kind of sitting in the back and this person started talking. The channeler's energy felt sort of "greasy" to our Jyoti. It felt really icky to her. It's not the words they're saying; it's the quality of the energy. You must always discern the quality of the energy.

If you're totally a mental person, you're not going to be tuning in to the energy at all. You're going to be thinking, "Oh, I'm taking notes. This is really important!" If you have that heart-spirit connection, however, you're able to discern whether something is authentic because every being really knows what is true.

Here's what happened next: Our Jyoti says, "Who are you?" [laughs] (We taught her this.) Whatever being was coming through the channeler said, "They say I am Archangel Michael." Then our Jyoti said, "I have been in the presence of two enlightened beings in my life, and I assure you that your energy is nothing like theirs." Everything then fell apart. The person stopped channeling. Then it was like rats leaving a sinking ship. Everybody left, and our Jyoti went out the front door, followed by the hostess, who said: I'm so sorry. I heard that she was really good." Thus, just because someone says they're "Archangel Michael" or any other being, don't just accept that. Don't just accept any entity who's pretending to be Archangel Michael. You can tell what's true by the quality of the information and by the quality (frequency) of the energies coming through.

The Quan Yin Separate
Our Jyoti has just asked us to tell you about the Quan Yin separate, the Quan Yin pretender, she encountered one evening. What's interesting about this story is that our Jyoti progressed from needing to expose fraudulent channeling to making a different choice, a year or two later, with the Quan Yin pretender. See if you catch on to what she learned in the process as time passed.

This person was advertised as channeling Quan Yin. Our Jyoti really loves Quan Yin, so she said to herself: Oh. This could be cool. Let's see what happens. A small group gathered in a candle-lit room. Again, the energy just really was kind of slimy. The "channel" used an imitation Asian-style inflection and pronunciation--talked the way she thought Quan Yin would talk. However, our Jyoti tuned right into the energy and said to herself: This isn't Quan Yin.

Instead of exposing the channel as a pretender, this is what our Jyoti thought: These people are making their own free-will choices. For whatever reason they're letting themselves fall for this Quan Yin pretender. I think I'll just quietly leave. What she learned instead of "I am a warrior. I must expose what is false" was to go to a higher place, the way your guides describe you when they know you are making a mistake: "This is herchoice." Our Jyoti said to herself: "My choice is about me, and so I choose to leave because I know this isn't Quan Yin."

How You Know You're Working with a Higher Being
When we started working with our Jyoti everybody, including our Jyoti, said: "This is information that is so way-high-above what Jyoti knows. We know that this is a high source." (We do not do fortune telling, and we will get to that a bit later.) The information is of high quality, and a Being of the Light will never make you feel guilty or uncomfortable. You will always feel love. They will never shake their fingers at you; they will never make demands of you. Again: All beings of the Light honor free will. Only beings of the darkness don't care about your free will. They'll ride rough-shod over you. They scoff at permissions and boundaries. Always discern whether the energy is of high-quality. Do you feel a loving, comfortable, exquisite energy?



Lower Psychism & Dark-Entity Possession 1  Tower of Light Meditation - graphic, from The Llewellyn Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense and Well-Being, by Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips
 Lower Psychism & Dark-Entity Possession 2  Planes/Dimensions Chart, by Joanna Neff
 Lower Psychism & Dark-Entity Possession 3  Levels of Consciousness Chart from Power vs. Force, by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.
 Pornography & Dark-Entity Possession 1  
 Pornography & Dark-Entity Possession 2  Also See:
Ascension: Red Alert!
 Pornography & Dark-Entity Possession 3  


 Soul Clearance

 Four Steps Beyond Session

 Negative Soul Programming Clearance

 Techno-Spiritual Healing Session



Copyright2025 The Light Expansin Center. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of any content of this webpage is prohibited. The material in these pages may not be photocopied, published, blogged, rewritten or redistributed.

The information in these pages is provided for educational purposes, and sessions are not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment obtained through a physician or other licensed health care provider.
