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Part V

CHANNELING: Processes, Perks & Pitfalls

Melora through Joanna Neff AT LIGHTHOUSE BOOKSTORE IN SUPERIOR, CO (4/13/07), continued

The Pitfalls of Channeling
Now, moving in the direction of the pitfalls of channeling…say you're in a depressed state. You're feeling bad about yourself. Channeling can be a way to aggrandize yourself, to make you feel good about yourself because you haven't really done your self-healing. Your own self-esteem must be earned. Your own soul growth cannot be given to you by anyone. It can be facilitated, as we continue to help our Jyoti, but she's the one who has to give permission, make the commitment and follow through with self-discipline.

This is why most people's consciousness…and this is according to David Hawkins in his book Power vs. Force is below 200. Consciousness level 200 is the point at which you have the courage to look at yourself and say, "I need to change this. I'm not happy with the way I relate to other people" or "I'm not happy with the way I'm progressing," or whatever. It takes courage and honesty to look at yourself and say "I need to work on myself." From that point forward, once you've reached that threshold usually you can keep advancing to higher and higher consciousness.

Now, the highest consciousness you can attain in the body is 1000. That was Jesus, Krishna and [Shakyamuni] Buddha [or Buddha Gautama]. Most people are around 100-125 in their level of consciousness. Down at the lower end you have shame and guilt and fear--all the emotions that the astral entities we were talking about love to feed on. Fear, guilt and shame-shame is the lowest, below guilt. That's a level of consciousness of about 20. Such archangels as Michael resonate in the millions! We're talking frequencies here.

You can feel it, palpably, in your body and in your emotions when you're near a being of higher-vibrational energy. This is what discernment tells you. Thus, if you have a vulnerability because you're doing wishful thinking, or you're in denial, or you're an unhealed healer of too great a magnitude you shouldn't be working with other people because you still need to heal yourself. You become vulnerable to entities who will make you feel better about yourself and give you all kinds of great information and speak through you so that others think Oh. She's really a terrific channel. However, what is the cost to you? Staying in place or going backwards--oftentimes going backwards in your Soul evolution.

Thus, even though we don't see soul evolution as points on a chart it is useful because there are stages of consciousness that you go through--thresholds of 300, 500 and so forth. 500 is where you come into total heart-centered, love consciousness: what you're used to considering as Christ Consciousness. As David Hawkins said (and you will relate to this), about 78% of people on the Earth are below that threshold of 200 . Doesn't that make sense if you think about it? How few really are able to withstand the constant assault of mediocrity on their desire to be excellent and their desire to grow in consciousness, to ascend in consciousness.

When all around you 78% of people are petty and mean, and into their cups . . . you know: Everything in moderation. Even our Jyoti has the occasional glass of wine. This isn't about being a teetotaler; it's about being in balance. If you're a thorough-going unhealed healer you have no business going out and pretending to facilitate the healing of other people.

What happens when negative entities attach to you, possess you--or when earthbound human spirits affix to you--is that it damages your aura. Oftentimes there will be tears or holes in your aura, and then you become even more vulnerable. Therefore, imagine the proverbial unhealed healer working with people, and the person has dark entities and the "healer" has dark entities. It's like a picnic for the dark entities, for the energies of these emotions and thoughts are like food for them.

If you don't detect that your own aura is in a weakened state, then you just go downhill from there: chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer. There are two charts we want to talk about that are in the handouts. The reason our Jyoti didn't give you the handouts at the beginning of this talk is that she didn't want you to get distracted mentally with all the contents of the handouts.

Lower Psychism
One is about doing lower psychism. There are 38 known--at least from Earth perspective--kinds of dark entities associated with doing lower psychism, channeling lower-astral entities, doing séances, even some full-moon rituals and some shamanic rituals.

[See "Who Is in Charge?" from the Sanctus Germanus Foundation.]

We will tell you why shamanic work isn't all that shamans promise, or that shamanism isn't the glamorous thing people often make it out to be. In the past, in its own milieu, shamanic work was done with a consciousness of a tribal people who were all there to support each other. If the shaman worked with someone to exorcise demons, or whatever, the whole community was there to support that person. They had herbal remedies, and they were given loving care as they slowly integrated everything back together.

A drumbeat sounds really great, but it appeals to (resonates with) the lower chakras. Heaven knows, in the world today, you don't need any more lower-chakra distractions. You need to come into balance of the upper chakras and the lower chakras. Rap music, bass drum and bass guitar resonate with the first chakra and sometimes the second chakra. That throws you out of balance. It's not that it's "bad" or "naughty"--it's that it puts you out of balance.

The other chart is about what our Jyoti and others who do soul clearance have discovered in the past year and a half as the most horribly pervasive way for people to be possessed: To become involved in pornography: viewing pornography on the internet and viewing pornographic films. Again: We are not being Puritanical about this. There are 33, from Earth perspective, kinds of dark entities, eight of which are Luciferic, that can attach to a person as a result of pornography. There's a chart about that because there are also all kinds of elemental spirits and earthbound spirits that can affix to you. There are also planetary energies that can afflict you. These all wear your aura down and make you open to possession--sometimes even to demonic possession.

That's why our Jyoti included these in your packet: again, not to be puritanical and say "naughty, naughty" but to say: Discern, be aware of, what you're inviting in if you do lower psychism and look at pornography, and so forth. (We're now kind of scanning the handouts [with my eyes closed! --J.N.] to see if we've left any out.)

There's a color chart on the 3rd-dimensional interests, and then the big middle section on the astral plane showing the dark entities here [indicates the lower part of the astral plane]. Then there's mass consciousness and then the higher octave of the 4th dimension, being on what we see as a silvery-gold leading to 5th-dimensional consciousness. When you are inviting the highest being of the light who can communicate with you right now, you want to a being of at least 5th dimension.

Fortune Telling
(Many times Melora has said to clients: "We are not psychic. We do not access the astral plane or do fortune telling." Melora does, however, communicate with people's Higher Selves and spiritual guides to get such information. This fact may make more sense below, regarding who you might unwittingly be dealing with if you're getting information from the Astral Plane. -- J.N.)

Now, for a lot of psychics the problem with accessing the 5th Dimension and higher is that they're used to accessing the Akashic Records through entities in the astral plane. It's like the lower-astral entities are their little messengers, and they're reading the Akasha, bringing back the information and saying: "Yes. On July 5th you'd better go to your Aunt Mathilda's and not your Aunt Ruth's." This brings up the subject of fortune telling.

We do not do fortune telling, which is different than counseling. What happens with fortune telling is, again, "garbage in, garbage out." If I come to you, and I'm all troubled because I lost my job or my boyfriend just left me, I am not in an emotional state where I can make a high choice about the questions I'm going to ask. If I come to you because our vibrations are similar, because I'm an unhealed healer and I feel comfortable with you because you're also an unhealed healer, then those lower frequencies are going to invite sources of information that is not of the highest.

What's going to happen is this: You're going to be predisposed to one outcome and you're not going even to let yourself entertain the number of other options that are available to you and variables that will take place between this moment and that moment on July 5th. That limits you in what you will allow your consciousness to accept, and between then and now all of those people will have changed partners in the dance and when you get to July 5th, the forecast choice might not be the most beneficial outcome for you.

The other negative outcome of fortune telling is: If you empower me, as the one telling your fortune, to create your future for you, where's your empowerment? Where's you creating your life and you being empowered to say: "I am responsible for the choices I make each step I take to find knowledge and wisdom. I am responsible from this moment. Okay, so I had a lousy childhood, and they were all crazy." When you're three, obviously you couldn't choose. They had the power and you didn't. However, now, if I choose in this now moment to be responsible for everything, that's the moment of my empowerment. If I turn my power over to you as my fortune teller, then I accept what you say as the only outcome because I've empowered you to create my future. I'm either in the same place [I haven't grown spiritually] or I've gone backwards.



Lower Psychism & Dark-Entity Possession 1  Tower of Light Meditation - graphic, from The Llewellyn Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense and Well-Being, by Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips
 Lower Psychism & Dark-Entity Possession 2  Planes/Dimensions Chart, by Joanna Neff
 Lower Psychism & Dark-Entity Possession 3  Levels of Consciousness Chart from Power vs. Force, by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.
 Pornography & Dark-Entity Possession 1  
 Pornography & Dark-Entity Possession 2  Also See:
Ascension: Red Alert!
 Pornography & Dark-Entity Possession 3  


 Soul Clearance

Four Steps Beyond Session

 Negative Soul Programming Clearance

 Techno-Spiritual Healing 2



Copyright2025 The Light Expansin Center. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of any content of this webpage is prohibited. The material in these pages may not be published, blogged, rewritten or redistributed.

The information in these pages is provided for educational purposes, and sessions are not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment obtained through a physician or other licensed health care provider.
