through Joanna Neff AT
now are there any questions? [long pause]
Actually, I have a question about something that's sort of
Good! [laughter]
It's sort of where I hang out a lot right now. I guess I'm
not really clear who's . . . When I get inside some information
or revelations, I know they've come from "another place"
but not from an evil source. But I'm clueless at having arrived
at that state. When I get a revelation I feel very grateful that
I've been open enough to hear it, or whatever. Is that channeling?
I don't get into a space energetically where I feel an entity
or that kind of thing, but I get these revelations daily from
places that don't come from my everyday waking mind. They couldn't,
because, you know: I'm very little and small. [laughs]
The shorter and more direct answer to your question is that…our
Jyoti has experienced your work, and because of this we can assure
you that you are accessing multi-dimensionally. You not merely
accessing guides that are with you in this lifetime. Through
your Higher Self and through the communications that you've set
up you're accessing holographically and multi-dimensionally.
That's why your work has that resonance of the whole truth and
guidance. The voices you're hearing are actually translations,
in an auditory way, of energies bringing in information. In that
moment it happens to be received as "hearing," but
there's a lot going on at one time. Somehow you're able to compute
and organize that.
other aspect of your work is that without being some Pollyanna,
without lying to people, you always enhance their understanding
of themselves in a loving, beneficial way. Our Jyoti saw Jean
Houston do this during a talk in Denver recently. How many of
you know of Dr. Houston? She called young people up to the stage
[one-at-a-time] and asked them to name some major "fault"
in themselves. One young woman came up on the stage with Dr.
Houston and said, "I'm always getting in trouble because
I procrastinate." Dr. Houston studied the young woman and
said, "That's because you have an exquisite sense of timing.
You know when the time is not right." She wasn't just lying
to this young person. It's what you [indicating the questioner]
do too: You're able to turn something that seems like a self-criticism
or a weakness and put it into a perspective that takes the self-judgment
discerning without being judgmental. This is one of the great
steps forward in spiritual development. We have said that in
nature there is oil and there is water. Do they mix? No. Is there
judgment about that? No. Why would you force yourself to be with
someone with whom you're not resonant? Just to prove you're spiritually
evolved? If you could just say, "I'm not resonant with that
person," leave it at that and not say "They're bad"
or "I'm bad," then everything would be fine. That would
be ideal. You would realize you're not resonant with that person
and then just kind of drift away.
The longer
answer to your question has to do with defining what channeling
is. What people accept as channeling has become . . . you know:
Kleenex is a brand name, but people have come generically to
call all tissues Kleenex. Aspirin was a brand name, but people
now call all such products aspirin. Most people wouldn't understand
what we've told our Jyoti, for example, about the process we
use with her, which is consciousness linking. She just says,
"I'm a channel," because most people don't know what
consciousness linking is.
we were talking awhile ago about the optimal situation, it would
really be when you're linking in consciousness with your Higher
Self and with what we call your "verti-cal Soul hierarchy."
Your vertical soul hierarchy also includes your Oversoul and
"above" to what we call your "Highest Divine Guide."
This is our perception of the highest aspect of you that you
can communicate with. These would be the big "hubs"
of your vertical hierarchy.
to that, and in resonance with you, are your personal guides,
guardians and angels. At the Soul level, from lifetime to lifetime,
Guardians come with you.
For example, our Jyoti has four guardians, and one of them, here
[indicates front-right], is the one that casts out demons.
however, can come and go according to the issues you're working
with. Some of these guides come forward and become more prominent.
They would be the ones you're "hearing." In certain
kinds of situations, and according to their particular "expertise,"
they will step forward to share with you and make suggestions.
are guides you have when you're children. Our perception of "the
terrible twos" is that you're pre-verbal and you have these
beautiful angels that you see and experience all the time. However,
you're pre-verbal so you're not saying, "Mommy! Look at
the beautiful angels!" It just wouldn't occur to you as
a two-year-old that everybody doesn't see these angels, and so
you don't point them out.
around age two you also start separating and individuating from
your mother because you're supposed to learn to make your way
in the world. You're supposed to become an independent human
being. You start to leave behind the memories of who you are
as a being, and the process of forgetting begins to happen. Around
two years of age there's a changing of the guides. All of a sudden
they're gone. You've lost them, and you begin your litany of
"No! No! No!" that is so prevalent at age two, with
all of the acting out. Being pre-verbal, you can't say, "Mommy,
where did they go? I miss them." At various stages of your
life and your growth your guides will change but your guardians
accompany you in each lifetime.
more questions? [no response--laughs] In that case, our
Jyoti is saying, "Well, then, let's end the talk and give
them the handouts." We thank you so very much for giving
us this opportunity to serve you in the Light, and we are Melora.
of Talk, with Joanna Neff
Did you feel
Melora's energy?
1: I gotta make this comment: I don't really understand the
context in which Melora said this, but I've been wrestling with
parting with a friend who I don't resonate with. [laughter]
2: I don't know how that followed in the sequence of your
lecture…but I'm struggling with the same thing!
it's just that all of a sudden Melora had this awareness and
she decided to address it. You know what? Her desire is always
to serve. It was like something drifted in, and Melora just jumped
on it. See, I consciously work with her but I get kind of "out
there." But I make editorial comments while Melora is talking--like,
"Oh, Melora, please. They're not gonna believe that."
Sometimes she tells on me, but she always asks my permission
first. What I said in that moment was "How did you get to
there? You usually give better transitions, Melora."
Melora felt it important to tell both of you not to judge yourselves
for wanting to sever from whoever those people are and not to
judge them either. Just realize that you're like oil and water:
You don't mix.
2: Exactly. See you later! [laughter]
but usually we say they're bad or we're bad. Melora was saying
"Don't go there." Just say "We're not resonant"
and okay. Cool! Thank you for the insight." You don't have
to torture yourself just to prove you're "spiritual."
[laughter] And now, the hand-outs.
is "The Tower of Light" meditation. Then there's this
handout on consciousness levels. This is from Power vs. Force.
Look at the bottom: consciousness level 20--humiliation, shame.
At the top of the chart you'll see the Emotion, Process, Life-View,
and so forth. At consciousness level 20 there's the Process of
destruction. That's guilt and blame. Emotion of blame. Life-view
of evil; God-view of vindictive. If you see all of these sorts
of symptoms before you get to the Courage level of 200, you've
got 78% of the people on Earth. And you'll recognize your co-workers
in here. [laughter] You know: jobs from hell…and
unhealed healers.
what Melora meant when she told you that if you're operating
from this level, and here's something that Melora "forgot"
to say (or felt something else was more important at the time):
careful who you have work with your aura. Be very, very, very
care-ful. They just wave their hands over you and say, "I'm
going to heal your aura." Oh, my gosh! Be very careful.
You can ask your High Self, and say, "Whatever healing angels
I have, please scan me and see if I have holes in my aura."
how hard you have to work to get up to consciousness level 200!
Then you have these other levels of Neutrality, Willingness,
Acceptance and Reason before you even get to Love. Each of these
has an emotion and a process, so Neutrality is 250: "Emotion
of Trust, Process of Release, Satisfactory Life-View and Enabling
God-View." But the
closer you get to each threshold the more resistance you have,
and so the more resistance you have, the more self-discipline
it takes to keep going because it means you're getting ready
to go to another level of consciousness. You have to say to that
part of you that's trying to hold you back: "Stop it!"
next handout is the one that shows the Reptilians, discarnate
spirits, negative ETs and earthbound spirits. These are human
earthbound spirits. These are people who have passed over but
who don't realize they're dead (or who won't accept that they're
dead). Recently I called a friend in New York to wish her a happy
birthday, and at some point in the conversation my friend said
that her late father had been an alcoholic. After he passed over
he somehow attached to her, and she started drinking like a fish.
Luckily, she found a bona fide healer who caught on to the fact
that my friend's father had affixed to her and then got rid of
In the work that I do, I've seen where an addict dies and
then attaches to another addict.
And in ashrams, my friends. What happens with many gurus in ashrams
is that their power is given to them by your shakti and by the
shakti that you share as a group. You're dumping your karma while
you chant and meditate. Say you happen to be in a weakened state,
and you have holes in your aura. You say "Oh, that's great.
We're all releasing." But where does their stuff go? On
you! So
you have to be careful of group energies too, and that's why
we gave you "The Tower of Light"
visualization. It should rejuvenate you, and help heal your aura
and raise your aura tone and strengthen your aura, and give you
that protection. It's very powerful. The first time I did "The
Tower of Light," my cats kind of draped themselves over
me like mink stoles. They loved that energy.
are the charts on the dark-entity/energy afflictions that can
come from doing lower psychism and viewing pornography. The problem
with pornography is not just that it drags down relationships.
Look at how many kinds of entities and dark energies that affix
to you.
you talking about beings that have never been in a body or that
just died that are harmful?
there are earthbounds but also, at the top, there are 8 kinds
of Luciferics that get attracted by the energy of pornography.
Then there's "carnal." That's carnal as opposed to
Holy Love. We're not talking about a couple who deeply love each
other and enjoy that intimacy. We're talking about just lust.
Sexual excess. Again, it's about imbalance. Violent sexual movies,
and so forth. UFO energies are always interesting. I tried to
put explanatory information in sections so that they're not just
terms. There are fire spirits, air spirits and water spirits,
and so forth.
identified by Linda Greene, there are 38 kinds of dark entities/energies
associated with lower psychism. Linda brought forth these frequencies--they're
actually sequences--that represent these beings, and she identified
more than 300-total. When doing soul clearance, these are the
sequences I dowse to find out what's afflicting them. This is
how I derived these charts, only I did not/would not include
the sequences.
column heading "Frequency of Attraction" has to do
with free-will choices people make that lower their vibration
to the point where they become attractive to the astral entities,
and so forth. Included
are addictions, which are a way of slowly killing yourself over
a long period of time.
if you go through a period in your life where you're despondent,
or even suicidal, but then you pull out of that, is doing this
kind of meditation [referring to "The Tower of Light"]
going to take care of healing the damage that may have been
For two reasons: The main one is that you've raised your frequency,
and the dark entities tend just to bounce off of you. They dislike
the higher frequency and so they vacate you. When you're being
attacked your instinct is to go fetal, to pull in. The real protection
is to expand your aura, which works as protection only when your
aura is healthy and strong. When your aura is strong your frequency
is much higher.
The second reason is that when you choose to do this meditation,
you're telling your Higher Self "I don't want these things.
I want to be in a higher space." Then you give your Higher
Self permission to safeguard you against the lower-frequency
energies. Your Higher Self goes "Yes!" and comes in
when you give it permission. It's the same way with your personal
guides, when you give them permission to come in and assist you.
so the
main problem when dark entities attach to you is the weakening
of the aura.
One of the ways of strengthening your aura would be in doing
this, or a similar, meditation and to receive higher-vibrational
energy from your Higher Self. Again, you are giving permission,
which is the first thing they're looking for because they always
honor your free will. If you just say "Help me," they
don't know what you need help with, and so it's good to be as
specific as possible: "Please remove these negative energies;
please remove these negative entities." "Please help
me be clear about how I attracted them"--not just "please
resolve this"-- because you want to become conscious of what
thoughts and emotional patterns attracted them. That's for your
soul growth.
Once clear, you can say: "Oh. I want to change this. I want
to change my thoughts and emotional patterns. Can you help?"
This is the first step.