first of a series

with Joanna Neff

These sessions can be done in any order, or selectively.

Techno-Spiritual Healing #2 Session

Techno-Spiritual Healing #3 Session

 "First you have to find the thing." -- Melora



"Techno-Spiritual" is a term I am using to describe "high-tech" healing techniques that I find to be the most effective in these perilous times.

In the more than 25 sessions I offer, I often use esoteric "protocols" to remedy afflictions caused by dark forces afflicting us--outside of our own karma. And yet, "programs" have been inserted into humankind by alien forces bent on our destruction and on the destruction of our planet.

In this first of a series of Techno-Spiritual Healing offerings, I focus on the influences most adverse to people's physical health at this time. Later in the Techno-Spiritual Healing series I will offer sessions that remedy afflictions even more devastating to the human body, emotions, mind, and spirit at a mass-consciousness level.


In my 19-year apprenticeship with three healing Masters in Boulder, Colorado, I learned precise healing and clearing protocols (targeted, ordered techniques). It has made sense to resolve many of clients' health challenges and personal issues by applying these methods. Indeed, all of the modalities I offer are based on the fact that

The human brain is far superior to any computer ever created.

Focused intention from adept healers and spiritual masters can create miracles.

Reincarnation is simultaneous--not linear.

DNA is shared across lifetimes.

There are no Time or Space barriers to manifesting, communicating or healing-- and resolving karma.

Physics intersects with Metaphysics via Quantum Physics.

Unlike my other sessions, however, the first Techno-Spiritual Healing Session focuses on a single organ/system that needs attention for any number of reasons. To speed up the healing process, I have incorporated many items recommended by Ramon Grace that are not included in my other sessions.

One example is removing "veins of water" from under one's bed to enhance sleep and to heal afflictions. Ramon discovered veins of water when he was searching for a way to heal a client's horse of lameness. When he removed the veins of water from under the horse's stall, the horse's lameness was cured.

A second example is removing family (ancestral) curses that are causing physical afflictions. Another of Ramon's clients reported that she could hardly walk because of years of pain in her right knee. Ramon discovered that family curses across generations were responsible. Because it takes the body time to readjust structurally, the woman reported that although she got instant relief from pain, it took time for her knee (and ligaments/tendons/muscles) to get back to normal. But after years of pain and disability of her knee, she had no complaints!

A third example is Ramon Grace's finding that physical afflictions can result from demonic attack on a specific organ/system. When these demons are removed, the affliction resolves.

The Techno-Spiritual Healing Session #1 includes--
but is not limited to--remedies when:

* targeted affliction is caused by demons, spirits of diseases, spirits of emotions, and/or family (ancestral) curses.

* targeted affliction is caused by lost or fragmented soul aspects in current and other lifetimes.

* targeted affliction is caused by genes that have been turned off & genes that need to be turned on.

* Wrap-Up to remove harmful veins of water and to restore client's perfected template & perfect Divine blueprint.



Thank you very much for doing Techno-Spiritual Healing (TSH) session for myself. The previous TSH session you have done for GI tract, you have done an amazing job! I have booked another TSH 1 for the brain. -- R.S. (Port Sorrell, Tasmania, Australia)

Thank you so much!!! I am taking my time in giving you feed back so I can really integrate these healings and have I hope useful observations to share but I must tell you.... MIRACLES are happening. I am so grateful Joanna. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo -- D.B. (Encino, California, U.S.A.)

Thank you dearest Joanna, for this wonderful healing session ??I appreciate the personal note with added healing suggestions. Am implementing them. Will definitely be in touch. Already I feel a lightening of tightness & tension in my body ! -- V.L. (Durant, Oklahoma, U.S.A.)

I definitely feel better . . . so thank you, thank you, thank you so so much! I'm so appreciative of your good work! Love, -- C.F. (West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A.)

Just want to let you know my digestion is much improved. Hardly any bloating or severe gas. -- B.S. (New Mexico, U.S.A.)

Amazing session. What was present was awful. Thank you so much. Such a powerful session. My lungs feel better. -- J.H. (Northcote, Victoria, Australia)

Contact Joanna Neff: <>

Only $79 U.S.

To purchase a Techno-Spiritual Healing session targeting ONE organ/system,
please click on the "Buy Now" PayPal button below:


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 Copyright2025 The Light Expansion Center. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of any content of this webpage is prohibited. The material in these pages may not be photocopied, published, blogged, rewritten or redistributed. Lighthouse logo design by B a s i c T e m p l a t e s . c o m.

The information in these pages is provided for educational purposes, and sessions are not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment obtained through a physician or other licensed health care provider.


No healing facilitator of integrity should ever promise to "fix" all a client's problems in one session. (And no client with any self-awareness expects this.) "Instant healing" of everything simply may not be possible because of the great complexity of factors involved: negative karma across lifetimes, transgenerational imprints (genetic core inheritance), and current-life habitually negative thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

Regarding the dynamic interaction of life issues between embodiments, literally: When you change something in the current lifetime it affects all your other lifetimes. By the same token, if you have afflictions in other lifetimes, these usually are also having harmful effects on you in the current lifetime.
